The Crash

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Kali let out a deep breath, as she attempted to still her leg that had been bobbing up and down for the last few minutes. They had been in the air for six hours now, but it felt like eternity. She hated fearing something as stupid as flying. She looked to her side as she saw the man sitting next to her had managed to flirt his way into getting some small bottles of vodka.

"Are you going to drink all those?" She questioned, as he turned to her and shook his head after a moment.

Before he could say anything else, she had taken one of the bottles from his lap and within mere seconds had downed the contents. She let out a steadier breath, hoping the alcohol would calm her nerves.

"Gorgeous but an alcoholic...there's always baggage these days" The blonde man next to her mumbled.

"I've never flown before" She admitted, not liking the thought of some stranger thinking she was a drunk.

"You don't sound like you come from Australia" The man frowned, noting her English accent.

"I won a cruise to Australia, but I missed my boat. This seemed like the only option...does the air usually seem so stuffy on these?" She queried, squirming a little.

"I think I would have preferred you to have been an alcoholic" He exclaimed.

"Oh, well I'm more than happy to oblige" She replied, as she went to grab another bottle.

"Are you even old enough to drink?" He questioned, holding the bottle away from her.

"I'm 19" She retorted, going to grab the drink again.

"Well this is an Oceanic that would be a no" The blonde grinned at her, obviously enjoying himself.

"You don't strike me as someone who cares much about the rules" She suggested, giving up trying to get the bottle, as his arms were far longer.

"Are you flirting with me?" The blonds grin widened.

"Maybe in your dreams" She shrugged, sweetly.

Suddenly the plane jerked so hard that Kali almost bashed into the man next to her, who didn't seem too bothered. There was an announcement to put their seatbelts on, which Kali had done the moment she had entered the plane, but she still tugged onto it to make sure it was still tight.

"It's just turbulence" The man told her.

"Right...yeah, totally normal" Kali nodded to herself, as the plan continued to jerk, starting to concern the other passengers.

"Because I'm feeling generous..." He trailed off and passed her the bottle she had been after.

"Well aren't you a gentleman?" She teased.

Before she could even think about opening the bottle, the plane jerked even harder and Kali saw someone a few isles ahead get flung into the air and was mostly likely dead. She let out a scream as she could feel that they were going down. The oxygen masks fell down in front of them, as Kali scrambled to put hers on as she was too short to reach without taking off her seatbelt. The man next to her grabbed hers and placed it in her hands, and she tied it around her face as quickly as she could. They heard a bang from behind them, as Kali looked back and could see the back of the plane was gone. Completely gone. People were getting sucked out of the plane. She gave the blond next to her a terrified look before everything went black.

Her hearing was the first thing that can back, as she could hear shouts and screams from all around her. Then she realised that she was upside down as she could feel her arms were dangling down. She slowly began to open her eyes, coughing through the fumes that surrounded her. She realised that she was still attached to her seatbelt and began fumbling to take it off. She fell to the ground with a bang and groaned as she sat herself upright. She looked at her limbs for any injuries and realised that she had a large cut across her left leg that she hadn't even registered. She then freaked out when her sight in one of her eyes began to blur but realised that it was due to a liquid dropping onto her eyelid. She rubbed at it with the back of her hand and realised that it was blood. Her blood. She cautiously pushed herself upright, finding herself to be dizzy, but she was able to stand. It was then that she realised that the man that had been sitting next to her was unconscious, not to mention upside down. She grabbed a suitcase and stood on top if it, and then quickly unbuckled his seatbelt. She tried to support his body as he fell, but he was much bigger than her. She dragged him out of the wreckage, suddenly realising where they were. A beach. Not giving it anymore thought, she crouched beside the man and checked his pulse, which was still beating. She then held the side of her face close to his mouth and felt his chest.

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