Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sitting at home with my roommate for our weekly girl's night. We're watching Sixteen Candles, one of our favorites, drinking wine and talking about the movie and about our week. "So, how's the new job?" I ask her. "Good. The guys I work for are really good guys. They actually invited me to their party this Friday. You should come." she tells me. "Yeah. I don't think that's a good idea." I tell her. "Why not?" she asks. "Carla, you know I hate going out." I tell her. "No. You used to love going out. You used to love hanging out and having fun. Now you barely leave the house. You only leave to go to work or to the store." she tells me. "I know. I just...I don't know." I tell her. "I do. You let that piece of shit ex fuck your head up. There's nothing wrong with you." she tells me. "Yeah. There is. I'm five foot tall and overweight. If I can't handle looking at myself what makes you think anyone else wants to look at me?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Gretta..." she starts. "No, Carla. I'm being serious. I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I hate the way I look. I've done diet after diet and nothing helps. I'm working out and nothing is happening. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." I say as the tears start falling before I stand and head to my room, closing the door and sobbing into my pillow.

The next morning, I'm heading out to work and so is Carla. Carla pulls up to the scrap yard and heads into the office. During lunch, she's sitting in the clubhouse with the guys, eating and when they start to clean up, the guys head back out. All but Angel. "Angel, can I talk to you a minute?" she asks. "Sure. What's up?" he asks. "Look, I have this friend, roommate actually. She's having a rough time and...well...she doesn't leave the house but to go to work. I want her to get back out there. She needs to. Her last boyfriend messed her head up bad and I'm worried about her so I was thinking, maybe introduce her to someone. But the only problem is that she has no self esteem and getting her to leave the house..." she says and he nods his understanding. "Look, give her my number. Tell her we can text until she's comfortable and go from there." Angel says. Carla sighs and says "Thanks Angel." before hugging him and heading back to the office.

That night, Carla comes home and we order dinner. "How was your day?" I ask. "Good. How was yours?" she asks. "It was okay. Busy." I say but won't look up from my plate. I keep picking at my food. "You need to eat." she says. "I'm not very hungry." I tell her. We're silent for a minute and she says "Look, I was talking to one of the guys today and..." she starts and I stop her. "Carla, I said..." and she cuts me off this time. "I was talking to one of the guys today. I think you and him would hit it off. I told him that I thought you needed to get back out there and that you didn't want to leave the house and he said to give you his number and that you two could text until you're comfortable and go from there." she tells me. "I don't know." I tell her. "Look, he's a nice guy. I think you and him would have a lot to talk about and really get along. He'd be good for you." she tells me. I look back at my plate and say "Fine. I'll text him and see what happens." I tell her and she takes my phone and puts his number and name in. "Angel?" I ask. "Yeah. He's a nice guy." she tells me. "Thanks Carla." I tell her before hugging her.

That night, I'm sitting in my room, movie playing and I have my phone in my hand. I think about what Carla said and debate texting him. I put the phone down thinking that this is a bad idea. What happens if I start talking to him and like him and he doesn't like me? I'll still be left alone. I plug my phone up and head to bed. I wake up the next morning and head to the kitchen and Carla asks "Did you text Angel?" I shake my head no and she asks. "Why not?" I shake my head and say "What if I start talking to him and I like him but he doesn't like me? You know I'll never meet him face to face right?" I ask and she asks "Why not?" I shake my head. "It just wouldn't be a good idea." I tell her and she shakes her head before watching me walk out the door.

She gets to the scrapyard and Angel walks up. "Hey did you give your girl my number?" he asks. "Yeah. Sorry Angel. She's so messed up she's scared that if she starts talking to you and likes you that you won't like her and said she would never be able to meet you face to face. Look, I love her. She's my best friend but she just can't get her head right. Thanks anyway." she says before heading to the office. Angel follows her. "Hey, wait." he says and she stops. "Give me her number." he says and she smirks. She gives him my number and says "I owe you." before he heads to the yard and she heads to the office.

That night it's Friday night and there's a party at the clubhouse. "You sure you don't want to go?" she asks. "Nah. Have fun and be careful." I tell her. "I will. I'm crashing with Gilly tonight so don't wait up." she tells me before heading out. I'm snuggled up in bed, watching a movie when my phone goes off.

A: Hola Gretta. This is Angel. Carla's friend.

G: Hi Angel. Did she give you my number?

A: Yeah. Hope that's okay.

G: Um...Sure. How are you?

A: Good. How was your day?

G: Good. Busy.

A: So, what are you doing tonight?

G: Laying in bed watching a movie marathon

A: Really? What are you watching?

G: Stephen King marathon. What are you up to?

A: Sitting at a club party watching my brothers have fun.

G: Are you not having fun? I'm sure there's plenty of pretty girls that could keep you company.

A: They're okay but not really my type.

G: Really. I know Carla is there hanging with Gilly. I'm sure she can set you up with someone.

A: What about you?

G: What about me?

A: Think she could set me up with you?

G: I don't think that's a good idea. I think I might head to bed. Goodnight Angel.

A: Okay. Sleep well Bonita.

I look at the texts and shake my head. I put my phone back on the nightstand and lay awake wondering why I even answered.

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