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So. I have Chemistry for my new quadmester, and I've been busy trying to study that and write Java programs at the same time. I'm really sorry about how long the update schedule is.

As of now, I am now going to say that the update schedule will be very skewed, and will have long breaks, unfortunately. After my Physics mark, which was a 72, I realized just how much I was neglecting class, and have to put school above all else.

Thank you for reading, and I'm really sorry about this selfish decision of mine.


 I woke up, freshened up, and went to class. I think I'm on good terms with every prominent figure, with the exception of my birth brother whom's name I don't know, and I was feeling happy with how things were going on now. 

I entered the classroom and sat down. The first thing that happened was Devon approached me asking "How I was?" And I and he talked for a bit, to which Micheal, Egon, and Albert walked in together, I didn't pay them any attention but I guess they paid me attention because they went up to me.

"Ah, your Royal Highnesses. I hope this fine morning pleases you?" I said, smiling.

Egon and Albert blushed, with Micheal smiling his unreadable, perfect prince face.

"Yes, and I hope you've adjusted to school life comfortably. If you'd like, I can show you around, and give a tour?" He said smiling.

I was going to decline but then realized that I didn't really know the layout of the school very well and realized it might be a good idea to explore the surroundings more and I might find secret quiet spots.

"If that doesn't trouble you, I'd be honored to accept your invitation. Is it possible to do so, after school?" I replied back, with the same smile.

Micheal looked happy, which was suspect, but I just assumed that him touring me allowed him to take a break at whatever work he was doing since he had bags under his eyes.

"We'll come too. The more, the merrier!" Egon and Albert chimed in with twin smiles, and I thought I saw Micheal's smile waver into a scowl, but I probably just saw wrong. Class began, and our teacher was teaching us about magic, and stuff that I kinda had an idea about.

Magic is defined as "The ability to control molecules and manipulate them into an image of the desired choosing." In other words, depending on your affinity, you could use your mana to literally change the little air molecules around you into the spell you're trying to turn it into. Like, let's say you wanted to make a water bubble. One, with the appropriate mana level, would manipulate the molecules around them, and turn them into water molecules.

All those new molecules would combine together, and hence you water bubble. Nobody really knows why, but you would know if you understood ionic and covalent bonds. However, Sciences aren't a pursued topic, as it's more inclined to nobles to inherit their legacy than to become scholars. It's a bit disappointing, but the vast majority of scientists are third-generation nobels. But, there aren't a lot of 3rd children anyway, so the number is normally small.

With that being said, the class went by quickly, and we didn't have that dance class today, but every two days, so I decided to wait at the door, when I already Devon, Micheal, Egon, and Albert all standing there, but their faces looked distorted and annoyed. Were they waiting for me? It's only been like 10 seconds since the bell rang.

-Devon's POV-

Thank goddess I was able to intercept them before they could leave. I can't leave them alone, especially with Egon, who'd probably coerce him into a bed.

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