Part 2: Arrivals and suprises

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When we were finally ready to go a bright light engulfed us and it was like a thousand sering knives were pushing into my body and cartorising right away while my body was rearranging itself. When it was finally over I felt like I was falling so I positioned myself so I would land on my feet and when I feel my feet on the ground I crouch down so I am still steady. Draco wasn't that lucky. He landed in a heap on the table so embarrassing that I had to laugh while he regained his pureblood posture.When I was done Laughing we finally noticed the wands pointed at us. While we were looking around noticed some people that were familiar to me and some that I didn't recognize. When I saw my parents I held their stare and when I reached Padfoot and Moony I almost broke down crying when I saw Moony and Padfoot. Draco and I probably thought the same thing due to him going to get off the table at the same time as me. When we got off the table all wands followed us and that's when I heard the familiar thrill of Fawks and held my arm out for him to land on it. When he did this Dumbledor got that curious twinkle in his eye. I looked to Dumbledore and did an equally cryptic message that only he would get. " It's beginning." Once heard this he had a look of recognition and sat down bringing a confused calm to everyone. The only thing he said " I'm assuming you're from the future and the ones of the second prophecy but one of you is of both." " You are correct, I'm only of one prophecy while she is of both." This was cut in by Mad eye " second prophecy we didn't know there was even a first prophecy" before Dumbledore could answer I said" Well we will tell the contents of bothe prophecies when you get rid of Wormtail the rat that is the Traitor." That created an uproar with the main thing, the Marauders defending their friend. When it was all cut out by d-James saying " Why should we believe you we dont even know who you are." That's when I realized this would be harder than i thought it would be to do this." Me well I'm just the little orphan girl from the future here to save the people supposed to die. I go by two names either Dorea Arcturus Black when needed or by my real name Dorea Lily Potter." When I said that everyone looked like they didn't believe me so they looked towards Dumbledore and when he confirmed what I was saying they all looked towards me like I was Griffin that was on the pedestal with a giant crown on its head." a-and who is he exactly." " I am Draco Lucious Malfoy, the one forced into being a deatheater and her secret friend." That made all the more heads turn towards Dumbledore again. " Hey mad eye constant vigilance, the rats getting away." Was my snarky remark to Moody when I noticed Pettigrew getting away. With that he cursed under his breath and went to get the rat while everyone else just watched with disbalife written across their faces and James Potter going over to get a shot of fire whiskey then plopping down in his chair.Once Mad eye came back I conquered to chairs for me and Draco to sit." So what proficy." was the smart remark stating the stares that came from Sirius." Well do we want to do the one about either my or voldemort's downfall or the one that is currently in action." " How about we do the first then the second given." " Okay so if you want the first one then that , The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the dark lord will mark her as his equal, but she will have power the dark lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the othe for neither can live while the other survives... the one to vanquish the dark lord will be born as the seventh month dies. So that's the prophecy about me and Voldemort. The next one is The two of enemy to friend will be the ones to save everyone from the yet to happen, her with hair as dark of night and killer eyes, from the light but couldn't be darker. He of snow with the shiniest silver eyes born of the dark but couldn't be lighter, her to stubborn for her own good placed wrong, he to accepting to save his own, she to save all dear to her while ending the ones against her in but a second, him to always be by her side even offered to save his own rejects for if he were to accept they would always support the one in the wrong." When I was done reciting the prophecies everyone had a thoughtful look on their faces so while they processed that I got my extendable bag out and located my school trunk brought it out to get my quil ink and parchment. Once I got that out and started to make a list with dates places By the time I started I already had all eyes on me and was starting writing down names of people dying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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