Part 1: Explanations and Goodbyes

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I did it. I defeated the Dark Lord. You might be wondering why I don't sound all that joyful. Well that's an easy question to answer, there dead all my friends but one and half the people I considered family. I'm exhausted and feel like i'm about to pass out when my vision starts to go blurry and dark and the next thing I know is i'm in deaths office that i've been to once already when Voldemort killed me and when death told me that he would be summoning me when this was all over and that wouldn't mean when i'm dead.

"Hello death, what exactly did you want to talk to me about" I said like I was just talking to a normal person and not the Deity of death.

" You never fail to amuse me Dorea Lily Potter or should I call you Dorea Acturis Black elusive heir to the Black and Potter fortune. Though names are not why I've asked you here you are my mIstress due to you collecting the Deathly Hallows.Now due to you being my master you have the affinity to dark magic along with any other magic and other certain abilities only you and one other can use. Now you have a choice to go back to your time pack everything you have and you will meet your relative Draco Malfoy in the headmasters office and i'll send you back in time to a week before Regulus Black is to die and you can save him and everybody else that you and Draco love or you can go back and stay there with the people left from the battle and live out the rest of your life wishing you had your family with you... so what's it going to be." was what was being said with the adissional chuckles due to him finding my reaction hilarious for some reason. " what are the risks exactly and how would Draco be able to come with me and if I were to do this would it affect my how I say these conditions." " well the risk is having you soul ripped into pieces also you would have no way to come back, draco would be able to come due to him being the Master of Life and you little vampire problem would be affected by you not being able to die by a normal steak to your heart and you don't need to drink blood but it will keep you stronger so I would suggest it and your werewolf form would be your werewolf form will be a huge black wolf with startling green eyes and you would be able to painlessly turn whenever with your mind but you still do need to turn on the full moon but that still will be painful."

" Wait dracos the master of life and after that take me back to the school so I can pack my stuff but how exactly is Draco the Master of Life."

" Mr. Malfoy is the Master of Life due to him collecting the Tokens of Life which is similar to my hallows but different objects. These objects being The Malfoy Medallion that has been passed down through generations, the dagger of life that can take and give life only there's a catch that is like the resurrection stone with it being the soul will be in living torment and finally wand of wisdom witch unknowingly was his mothers wand witch she came across once she was done with school that she made her son take so he would have a wand and she didn't." was his explanation he gave me with a smirk on his face the entire time. Once he let that sit in he put me back into a counches state and I got up and went to the gryffindor rooms and packed all my stuff and headed towards the great hall where everyone else is with my stuff in a extendable charm and got ready to say my goodbyes to everyone. I made my way up to the stage in the great hall where Professor Mogonagal was giving a speech on how we were going to get through this and once I got on the stage everyone stopped talking including her. When I got on to the middle of the stage I nodded to her while she put herself into the crowd and put my wand to my throat and said a spell that would make it so everyone could hear what I was saying. " As all of you know today the dark lord was defeated. What you don't know is his story and my story. I am Lord Voldamort is an anagram that is made out of his name I figured out in my second year during my visit to the Chamber of Secrets. His real name was Tom Marvolo Riddle Son of the last of the Gaunt family and a rich muggle. Yes he was a Halfblood that grew up in a time of war and in an abusive orphanage. The heir of slytherin and having the ability to speak parseltongue due to it. He created horcruxes which is considered the darkest type of magic due to it slitting your soul making you immortal. He made seven His diary, Gauts ring, slytherin's locket, Hufflepuffs cup, Ravenclaw's Diadem, His snake Nagini and me. I was his accidental Horcrux which made the night in Godric's hollow." this was met with murmurs " The only way to destroy a horcrux is to destroy its holder. The thing I'm trying to get to is that I should have been dead right now because he killed me unknowingly destroying one of the things keeping him from truly dieing. You all might be wondering how im here then if i'm supposed to be dead well there's two answers to that the first one being Narcissa Malfoy due to her being the one to check if I was dead and telling the Dark Lord that I was dead due to her being a mother and being desperate to know if her child is alive. The second thing is I accidentally collected all the Deathly Hallows the resurrection stone, the Elder wand I required due to Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledor than me disarming him and the last one being my invisibility cloak due to the Potters being direct descendants the the brother with the cloak and it being passed down through generations. Collecting them made me the Master of Death.But I'm not the only who became a master of a deity. The master of Life is one of my closest friends Though all of you most likely believe we were the exact opposite. The tokens of light are the dagger of life, the wand of wisdom that was Narcissa Malfoy's wand and an heirloom passed down through generations by the Malfoy Medallion. The Master of Light is Draco Malfoy one of the only people alive that is a friend of mine and he is also a blood relative through black blood due to my great grandmother being Dorea Black."When I was done with my speech I was met with a moment of silence then it all dissolved into chaos. About at that moment a large Light Phoenix flamed into the room drawing everyone's attention.I knew instantly who it was and when I started to cry he Made a calming trill and flew over and landed next to me. Before I even knew what he was going to do he turned back into Draco engulfed me in a hug. When he did that I finally broke and began to cry into his shoulder while he lowered us down so that we were sitting on the stage while I was just breaking on the inside. When I was finally done Dracos shoulder was soaked and everyone was staring at us. " what all exactly tell them Dorea." "Heh, I pretty much told them everything except our conditions, animagus forms and what we were going to do once we went to the Headmasters office." When he found out that he put his wand to his throat and did the spell. " What Dorea here didn't tell you is that we both were bit by two magical creatures and turned into what they are, which is a werewolf and a vampire. Now you already know my animagus form hers is the opposite of mine while mine is a light phoenix hers is a dark phoenix. We are also doing something extremely dangerous and we won't be able to come back. We are going back in time with the help of life and death to a week before Regulus Black died defining the dark lord." After he finished talking the sorting hat started to talk. " I knew something different was with you I just couldn't put my finger on it and I also would like to resort Miss Potter to her rightful house you might think you have grown into your house that you wanted to be placed in but I think you have just grown into the house you were supposed to be in." I thought about it then smiled and replied" well only a snake could not only lay in a lions den but also sneak into the snakes den without getting caught so I think your right now get over here and resort me will you I want to see my parents reaction with I show up and tell them i'm a slytherin." When I said that everybody looked at me like I was crazy while the hat floated over to me and on to my head and not even 3 seconds after it was on my head he shouted Slytherin.With that I got up and held my hand out to help Draco take and I couldn't help but burst out laughing When he got up by himself and said " I think I can sort out the wrong sort for myself thanks" to which I replied with" I was 11 okay and you insulted my first friend, your never going to let that go are you." He just smirked and said " Nope" popping the p.

When I was done laughing I decided to say goodbye to everyone when I got to the weasleys Draco was still with me so I was kind of nervous. But when Mrs. Weasley enveloped him in a hug when she was done with hugging me which he returned with the same ferocity why muttering sorrys to her about the losses of half of her kids and that he was sorry that the Weasleys ever had a feud with the blacks and malfoys.When we got to Mcgonagall she admitted that the hat had told her one of her gryffindors was truly a Slytherin even though she wasn't sure it was me but had her suspicions and that dumbledore knew who it was but wouldn't tell her. What surprised me was when she embraced Draco in a hug saying he was one her best students even if he was always making fun of her cubs. When we were done saying goodbye me and Draco took one last look at the great hall and everybody in it and left towards the headmasters office where they were greeted by the Headmaster and Professor Snape. When Dumbledore Saw we were in the right hearing range he let slip" Oh is it time for the second prophecy to begin. " With that we both stopped dead in our tracks and looked at the headmaster like he was insane." what do you mean second Prophecy I didn't know there was another one. " was what I said in the best stern voice paired with my best glare that would make anyone pale and flinch but the headmaster just looked like he was amused. " Well right after the divination professor gave the prophecy about you she gave another one I believe is about You and Mr.Malfoy. The prophecy stated The two of enemy to friend will be the ones to save everyone from the yet to happen, her with hair as dark of night and killer eyes, from the light but couldn't be darker,He of snow with the shiniest silver eyes born of the dark but couldn't be lighter, her to stubborn for her own good placed in the wrong, He to accepting to save his own, she to save all dear to her while ending the ones against her in a second, him to always be by her side even when offered to save his own rejects for if he were to accept they would always support the one in the wrong." When he was finished both of them and all the portraits were looking at him in shock and disbelief.

They were about to ask why he never told anyone but were caught short when Life and death came to take them away to the past and were warned that it would be very painful and to be ready for having wands pointed due to them being dropped off on the table during an order meating.

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