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Alex POV

Me and Louis walk back to our room and watch some TV. Louis takes the remote and starts channel surfing. I can't help but think that... Is Louis gonna break up with Eleanor? Should I ask? I just don't get it.

I decide to ask. "Hey Louis..?" I start. Louis Hums in response. "Are you still gonna date Eleanor?" I ask fiddling with my thumbs. Louis shifts uncomfortably. "Oh, I'm sorry I don't-" I say. "No its ok, I get it. But I don't think I am. I mean. Love finds a way. I'm mad at what she did. And now I know everyone hates her but its not everyone that matters. Its about Me and Eleanor." He says slightly smiling.

I surprisingly smile at this. Louis is loyal. He always tries to find a positive way to fix things. "I agree" I say and Louis gives me a shocked expression. "You do?" He asks sitting up. I nod "Yeah, I get what you mean. I know that me and her never get along and what she did just ruined every chance we may have had but you're right, love is love. I respect that" I say confidently.

He smiles at me and Nods.

We hear a knock at the door and Louis gets up opening it. "Alex! We have to go now!" Ava says with a worried expression on her face. "Why? Whats wrong?" I ask putting on my shoes. "Niall asked me on a date and I have no Idea what to wear!" She says sitting down on Louis bed. I give her a look and look over to Louis to see him giving her the same look. "Jesus, I thought it was something important." Louis says flopping down on his bed.

Me and Ava both Gasp. "I know it was really weird about what just happened, But this is girl serious." I say running into the bathroom changing hurriedly into an oversized grey sweatshirt with some leggings and white converse. Simple but nice.

"Hurry lets go!" Ava yells pushing me out the door. I give Louis a little wave goodbye before Ava shuts the door. "Ok, Is it formal or laid back kinda date?" I ask, walking into the elevator and pushing the button back down into the lobby. "Niall said this, and I quote, 'Formal, but not to Formal'." She ways with a weird expression on her face. "Niall is no help whatsoever." I say walking out of the hotel.

We get to the closest mall and go into random stores. Ava just cant find the right thing to wear. We walk around this one store trying to find something. "Hey these shoes are cute!" Ava yells over at me, holding up some black high heels. I nod and walk over to a rack and pull out a black dress with the top of it being Lace. I hand her the dress and push her into the dressing room.

A minute later she comes out looking stunning. "Oh gurl, you're gonna have him begging on his knees." I say snapping my fingers. "Thanks gurl" She says putting her hand on her hip. "This is totally the one, hurry and undress so we can go pay." I say pushing her back in.

I walk over to the purse stand and grab her a black purse that folds in the front with a chain strap.

Ava walks over to me and smiles at the purse. "We have to get this" Ava says grabbing the purse and take the shoes and dress to the checkout desk. She pays for them and we walk to the food court.

We walk over to a table and sit down. "Wanna get something to eat?" Ava asks standing up. "Nah, its ok." I say. "Well ok.." She says walking away. I took out my phone and started playing some weird anime game. "Boo" Someone says into my ear. I make a squeal, throwing my phone to the side.

I hear laughter come from behind me. I turn around to see Harry and Louis laughing their asses off. "You guys are jerks!" I say trying not to laugh with them. There laugh is contagious, like a fast spreading cold.

"Y-You should've seen your face" Harry says, then starts howling in laughter. My lips twitch into a smile and soon im laughing with them. Ava gets back and looks at us like we're all crazy. "What did I miss..?" Ava asks setting down her food on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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