Author's Note

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Okay so the name suggests that this is an author's note and I'm the 'author' soo yeah.

Well, this is a story about the terrorist attack that took place in APS Warsak Road, Peshawar.

Most of you probably already know this but these terrorists seiged the school during school hours and killed more than 130 children mercilessly.

The most number of deaths took place in the school auditorium where a health class was in order and that's where this story is set.

The characters in this story are not real. They could be but that would be entirely coincidental. The names of the students are the first ones that came to my mind and Idek if they ever studied at APS or not. More or less, they're all fictional.

My purpose is not to make you relive the terror that followed after the Peshawar attack.

It's just a topic that I thought I could write on.

Also, thankuuu to @ZaynYoursTruly for coming up with the names and the cover and the titles :*

WiggleMeHigh, @Damluke and @harrysflirtysmirk for encouraging me :* muah

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