Gotta Get Her Back

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This Chapter is Going To Be Romeos POV.. *

Its been a week.... A whole week without Juliet, a whole week without hearing her pregnant snores... Without hearing her complain that her back hurts, rubbing her belly... Even though she doesnt show. I miss her laugh she do in the morning, then dances into the bathroom to take a shower, I miss the way she put up her hair, always miss a strand of hair. I miss her.

I had some people do research on her... Yeah find what hotel she in, ima make it up to her. The house is finish now I made my boys put in work so I could make it up to her.

I bought a dress for this evening, some shoes and a bag. Ima have some hair & makeup people stop by the hotel and get her ready.

Shes gonna look amazing in the dress.







Its 7:55PM...

I already sent the dress and People over there to do her hair and makeup.

Juliet changed her number... Ugh.

I called C to make sure the house is good.

I called the Restaurant to see if everythings good.

Everything was good. I was getting ready at home, waiting til its ready to go get Juliet.







Its 8:15, the people getting Juliet ready were done. Time to go get my soon to be Fiancé.

I was at the hotel... It was the best one in this world.

Her room was room 2045... I got on the elevator... My stomach hurts, floor 2...

"Almost there..." I said outloud.

Floor 4. Then the elevator opened.

I walked out, turned right, walked down the long ass hallway.

Finally I got to her door. I didnt hesitate to knock.

"Coming" I heard Juliet yell through the door.

Then it flung open. My heart dropped, shes so beautiful.

"wow..." I said.

" ... What are you doing here? Wait.... You set this up??" She said.

I got on my knee and grabbed her hand.

I wasnt gonna propose, yet.

"Juliet... Its been a week, I miss you. Im so sorry baby girl, I wont ever disrespect you.. But I was doing everything for us" I kissed her stomach.

" Juliet I cant live without you.. I barley ate this whole week, I couldnt sleep.. I couldnt think. Youre everything to me"

She started crying.

"Romeo, I love you. Im sorry" I got up and kissed her.

"come on bae, lets go"

We got in the car and drove to the restaurant.  John legend You and I came on.

I stopped the car,

Got out and started to sing.

' Out of all the girls
You my one and only girl
Ain't nobody in the world tonight All of the stars, you make them shine like they were ours
Ain't nobody in the world but you and I
You and I
Ain't nobody in the world but you, You stop the room when we walk in
Spotlights on everybody staring
Tell all of these boys, they wasting their time
Stop standing in line, cause you're all mine and this evening I, won't let the feeling die
I never wanna leave your side '

I watched Juliet laugh at me, im glad I can make her smile again.

I got back in the car...

"are you hungry?"

"aha, not really" she said.

"well... Ima just skip the food, and go to the spot" I said making a U turn.

"the spot?" She repeated.

"Yeah. Here put this blindfold on" And I gave her the blindfold. No questions were asked, it was peaceful.

"We are here! Wait one second" I said jumping out the car and jogging to her side.

I opened the door and Picked her up.

" Oh my gosh! Romeo. Put me down!!" She started laughing.

"Nope, this is how I carried you the first night I met you... The exact time to. I picked you up like this because that night I promised myself, the next time I carry you like this. Ima make you my wife." I put her down on the porch of our new house.

"wait... What?" She said confused.

"Juliet, we had our Ups and down. But I cant stand not being with you.. Every day, so... I decided ima make that happen, from now on.. If you agree. Were going to be insuperable, we gonna be like Ed edd and Eddy"

She laughed.

"whats so funny?" I said.

"Ed edd and Eddy are 3.. And there males"

"Yeah. Me, you and our baby. But sex doesnt matter"

She smiled, still with the blindfold on shes beautiful.

"Juliet... Will you Marry me? And you can take off the blindfold"

I said holding the ring in my hand smiling up at her, while she takes off her blindfold.

First thing she does is look down. Gasp, then look around and gasp.

"This is out new home baby!" I said still waiting for an answer.

She looked down at me with tears in her eyes.

"YES YES! I will marry you!! I love you!!" Then she jumped into my arms. I got my baby back.

• Yay! Happy ending chapter! I tried to put a picture of her dress and the house but I wouldnt let me. O well, hope you enjoy •

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