I need you

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Zee tapped the person's shoulder to get their attention. 

"What are you doing here? When they noticed Zee's condition, they asked 'Are you okay?'

' I..I..can we talk?' Zee asked in such a broken voice.

'Uhh, hmm,..okay, wait..let me inform my Madam Chana first, wait here okay.'

 Zee just nodded his head slowly. Saint still has two hours of class left but seems like Zee has an emergency and Saint informed his assistant that he is leaving early and told her to take over for him and he also informed Madam Chana about his early departure. He texted Jani and told her to drop Light at his mama's home. He even informed the guard that he is leaving his car for the day and will take it later, he knows his car is in safe hands as he parked it in the school compound and they have two security guards even at night shift. He met a very distraught Zee who is pacing back and forth in front of his black Mercedes. Once he saw Saint approaching his way, he stopped pacing and said, 'can we go for a long drive'. Saint just nodded his head slowly.

Zee unlocked his car, opened the passenger door for Saint, and then he hopped in the passenger seat. He drove the car in pure silence, he was deep in thought. Saint watched the agitated Zee, he doesn't know why but seeing Zee this restless and not being himself makes Saint really worried. He doesn't know why but when Zee pleaded with his eyes for Saint to follow him, Saint just want to follow Zee. Saint knows that Jani will take good care of his baby Light, she has babysat Light when Saint had an emergency at school or home, she is like a sister to him, even though they often fight like cat and dog, deep down Saint and Jani know that they have each other's back and will always be there when they are much needed. Zee stopped at a small lake, a public lake. He held the steering wheel tightly till his knuckles turned white, Saint lifted his hand slowly and with such hesitant rubbed Zee's pale knuckles, it kinda worked as Zee slowly let the poor steering wheel go and slowly exhaled.


'I..am sorry Saint...I am really sorry...' Zee's voice sounded so sad and his voice cracked.

'Oh no, Saint watched Zee in horror. Did Zee found out about Light? Did he know that Light is his? Saint's face paled and sweat cold started to break out. Zee who didn't notice Saint who is as pale as a ghost continued as he has his face turned down, looking at his car floor. 

'I am really sorry to ask you to follow me out of the blue. I am sorry for being selfish. I just want to forget something, load of stuff happened today and thinking about it just makes my heart and mind hurt. I need a distraction and the only friend I made so far is you, I don't know but spending time with you just makes me happy and calm, you spread positivity and always give out good vibes, selfish me was in dire need of your good vibes that I wiling to take you away without really thinking about Light. Is Light going to be okay? Zee turned and looked Saint straight into his eyes? 

'Uhmm, I told Jani to drop Light at my mother's place, I figured our meet will last a bit longer. 

Zee sighed, 'sorry once again Saint.' Can we, hmm, just walk by the lake.

' Ahh, sure Zee'. 

They both got out of the car and started to walk slowly side by side around the lake. Zee felt a bit lighter, he was awfully in a bad mood just now but right after seeing Saint, he calmed down. Saint really radiates positive energy. They finally decided to sit under a tree while looking at the calm lake. Zee breathed in and out. He looked at the calm lake and just let his mind wander around. Saint studied Zee silently, he was surprised how Zee's expression changes in just a minute, how he scrunches his eyebrows, how he bites his lips, how he wet his lips, how he chews his lips and just gaze at the scenery with such intense gaze. Light really does take after Zee, his thick eyebrows and those beautiful pair of eyes are so identical to his son's. Light does have Zee's quirk like how Light can actually bottle his feelings, afraid that he would hurt others' feelings, Saint is more the open and honest type, and as far as Saint observed Zee is such a silent observer but he is really good with his words. Light is a mix of them both, he can be really shy at first but once he warmed up, he is such a sweet bundle of joy, always making people laugh and always putting people's feelings first.

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