(Bonus) Chapter 10

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As requested by: @KnightBt  

It has been five months now ever since you asked Loona out. Perhaps, that was the best decision you have ever made in your life. In fact, it actually was. You simply cannot recall anything better than having Loona in your life.

It was the weekend here at the Y/N household. No Blitzo, no obnoxious coworkers, no random calls demanding that you two come to work. It was just you and Loona, and a bed you two occupied.

This morning began when you opened your eyes and Loona's body was locked tight around you.  She stole your arms and legs with hers, and her head was resting on yours.

Her tail wagged from behind and she whispered in your ear. "Good morning, sweetheart." She then playfully licked your cheek.

You closed your eyes again. "Good morning, my little wolfie." (that was the nickname you gave her).

"Do you wanna get up?" Loona says.

"Yes and no."

She said, "No you don't," and tightened the grip around your waist and legs.

Okay... I'll play that game. You thought.

You flipped the blanket off of you and Loona, and put Loona on your back like a child when you hopped out of bed.

"Come oooooon!" She whines with her tail drooping behind her.

"Im sorry, babe. I really have to go to the store today. We're running pretty low on food. Unless you want to stay home."

"Fine, I'll go to the damn store with you." She grumbles.

You then carried Loona to the kitchen because you wanted some breakfast for once. You made some cereal and sat it on the table in the living room. Afterwards, you let Loona down so that you and she can sit on the couch.

She tells you a lie. "Could you excuse me for a sec, honey? I, uh, have to go to the bathroom."

As she was leaving, you say, "That better not be an excuse for you to go back to sleep!"

"It's not, shut up about that!"

Actually, Loona had a ring stored in the drawer of her nightstand. She wanted to marry you, and she thought that it was the right time. She grabbed the ring and placed it in the back pocket of her jeans.

Loona then came back, and you looked back at her with your cheeks full of cereal. She silently giggled. He's such a cutie. I can't believe I want to marry this goofball.

You swallow and take the bowl of milk to the kitchen to dump in the sink. You then grab your keys that were sitting in a different bowl that was by the front door. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I guess." Loona says, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear with her fingers.

You both then got in your car and drove to the store, making sure to get coffee along the way.

The store you went to was rather spacious, but the store's population on most days normally takes that space, making it the perfect environment to propose. Just a few days back, someone proposed in this very store. A lesbian couple, actually. But unfortunately, the woman who was getting proposed to rejected the other.

While you were driving your cart around getting food and drinks, Loona would drop subtle hints that she wanted to marry you.

Loona grabbed the ring from her pocket and placed it on one of the shelves while you were looking for a certain food item. She then tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey, Y/N, look. Some dumbass left their ring."

"Oh, wow. That's pretty... Is that real diamonds?" You remark.

"Maybe we can keep this for something special." Loona softens her tone.

"You're right. Maybe we could sell it and make a helluva lot of money!"

A look of defeat was casted on her face. Her first hint went straight over your head. The next hint followed with her dropping it on purpose in front of you.

"Oops," she goes. The dinging of the metal hitting the marble floor caught your eye. Loona then picked up the ring from the floor. "Dropped my ring," she says.

"Wow, you sure do have a lot of pretty rings."

"Do you know why I would just randomly have a ring with me? On a specific day? At a specific type of place?"

"... Because you have a seasonal liking for wearing rings at a store?"

Loona's patience dropped, and she began to yell at a tone in which the majority of the store can hear. "Y/N, you fucking numbskull! I have a ring with me because I want to fucking marry you! I love you!!!"

She began to blush as she accidentally caught the whole store's attention. She turned her head, looked away from you, and held her arm. "So will you marry me or not?!"

Your eyes were swimming in tears. You were so happy. "Of course I will, baby! Come here!" You then rushed in to wrap your arms around her and her hair, warmly taking the ring from her other hand.

Loona wrapped a single arm around the back of your neck and broke down crying. All the cheers that erupted from the audience were tuned out. Time stopped, and the Earth halted its rotation.

Loona chuckled and took her head out of your chest, her teary eyes looking at you with a smile. "I can't stand you."

You kissed her on the forehead. "Me neither."

Soon after, you two then let go and dried each other's eyes. The crowd eventually went back to doing whatever they were doing on that day, as well as you and Loona. You finished shopping and you put the groceries in the back seat and trunk of the car.

"Can I drive this time?" Loona asks.

"Of course, my new wife!" you say playfully.

She rolled her eyes and let out a natural, gentle smile. "Whatever... My new husband." She jokes back.

On that day, Loona called Blitzo on her phone to tell him the great news. He shrieks in excitement, which made her move the phone away from her ear. Thanks to Blitzo, the whole office now knew of you two's relationship, followed by Millie commenting, "Told her she should've given him a chance. Now look at them: already engaged."

Blitzo was so excited and inspired, in fact, that he told almost everyone in Imp City. He would have told all of hell if he could.

About a week later, you and Loona shared a brilliant wedding funded by the Imp community. Her dad was the main support as he was the one who established the fundraiser in the first place.

Officially, you two became a married couple, and you all have been the talk of the town for quite some time. Neighbors would come to your doorstep and bring gifts to promote health and wellbeing. It's strange that they would even promote such a thing in hell of all places.

It was a rather special night for you once the wedding ended. Loona told you to hide in a room until you got a text from her saying she was "ready".

Once you got the text, you opened the door and you saw potpourri scattered in the hallway leading to your room. Actually, that was the only light that seemed to be emitted from anywhere since all the lights were turned off in the house.

You walked in and you saw Loona nude on your bed, and you blushed. A single lamp was left on as she maintained a foxy expression on her face.

"Come here, husband."

(I think we all know what happens next). 😎

~The End End~

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