ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩- ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤

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Please wait until the end before judging anything, I'm not fully sure about this chapter but there was some details I needed to put in. It'll get better I promise 👍

Harry woke up in a cold sweat, the relief of what he had just been experienced being only a dream washing over him. His breathing was jagged as he tried desperately to calm himself, scrunching his eyes shut as tried and failed to shake the image of that horrific face from his mind. His dreams had been becoming more intense ever since Cedric's death, and they felt so different to before. He had always simply been a spectator, viewing from above, but that wasn't the case anymore. When he caught sight of 'his' reflection in that dream, it had chilled him to the core. He was seeing through his enemy's eyes, as if he was apart of him. As if... they were one and the same. He could almost feel himself speaking those words to Wormtail, somehow knowing what they were going to be before he heard them, as if they were coming from his own mind. He had felt one with Voldemort, and it was scaring him more than any other of his bizzare sleep revelations ever had.

Voldemort had a plan, that much he could conclude. A way to make himself stronger, to make himself even more invincible, gain even more power than that he had already obtained. He had a body now. He was no longer a spirit needing a host, and he would come for Harry in the end; that was fate. Harry knew he had barely survived any previous encounters with He Who Must Not Be Named, and those he had were flukes, no testament of any real power that he could use being on his side. The thought of him being even harder to defeat..... Harry could barely bear to even comprehend the idea. Hope seemed to slipping further and further away, and he was starting to believe that a boy like him defeating the most evil wizard in history was simply a deluded fantasy.

He glanced over at his watch. 3 am. Far too early for anyone to be awake. He slipped out of the room, floorboards creaking as he headed for the bathroom, lost in indecision as to whether to give in to the tiredness that was filling every muscle or to force himself to stay awake and eliminate any chance of having to endure sharing his mind with that creature again. He pulled the bathroom handle, confusion clearing his thoughts when it wouldn't budge. That was when he noticed the little crack of light slipping out under the bottom of the door; who's up at this hour of the morning? he thought to himself. The Weasley's wouldn't be woken by a thunderstorm, so prehaps Hermione? Percy wasn't even an option that entered his mind at all, so he was surprised to see the bedraggled yet effortlessly handsome American lurking in the doorway when it opened.

"Guess I'm not the only one having trouble sleeping," Percy stated simply, the soft, delicate tone of his voice obviously ensuring that nobody else would suffer as a result of their restlessness.

"Guess not," Harry replied awkwardly, eyes fixed on the ground. Definitely wasn't dreaming of your evil grandfather or anything. Percy's eyebrow raised inquisitively.

"Bad dreams?" Percy guessed, leaning up against the doorframe casually. Harry couldn't understand why anyone would be so eager to initiate conversation at this hour of night, so he simply didn't reply, hoping Percy would take the hint and move out of his way. He kind of liked the guy, but right now he really wasn't in the mood, especially when all his mind kept doing was comparing that cocky yet troubled face to that of his hideous, snake-like ancestor.

Percy didn't take it.

"Me too. Well, not the usual kind if you get my drift, but I doubt yours were either...." Harry looked up at him then, questions flooding his mind. Had Percy seen what he had? Percy Jackson wasn't the easiest of people to read, but there didn't seem to be a trace of fear in that boy's eyes, as if his subconscious miraculously transporting him to God knows where was a regular enough occurrence in his books. He wasn't evil, but his effortless transition into the craziness of the wizarding world wasn't exactly on his side in the trust department.

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