Wait We are From a TV Show?!

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~Casta's POV~
"Oh no she's dead! We killed her! And it's all my fault" I went to her up and went inside her house
"Casta she fainted..." said Adora "it happens to everyone all the time!"
"Yeah aunt Casta, their is nothing to worry about! You are just overreacting!" Said Glimmer
"Welp..I guess we can leave now" said Catra already making her way out the door. But then Adora stops her. "Catra we need directions, and she's probably the only person that can help us. She was kind enough to answer!"
"First we go inside a portal and now we are depending on strangers to help us?!"
"What else are we supposed to do Catra?! Just walk around in this world and get lost?!
"We're not going to get lost!"
"Guys please stop fighting, I don't want the stranger to get scared of us!" Said Bow all worried
"She's fainted Bow it's fine!"
"I'm guys in think she awake now-" I said
"Huh? What happened and- omg C-Castaspella?! Adora?! Glimmer?! Bow?! And Catra?! Omg everyone is here! Even the princesses and-"
"How do you know us?! We have just met you!"
"I- look it's kind of hard to explain.."
"Well can you at least try to?" Said Perfuma
"Ok I'll try but you guys have to promise me to not freak out or hurt me or get mad"
"Ok fine" I said
"So you guys weren't exactly real in this world u til now and you guys are part of a TV show. You have a lot of fans that have watched you guys and-"
"TV SHOW?!" Everyone blurted out
"I just said to not-"
"Well how can we not?!" Said Frosta
"That's really cool" said Scorpia
"Guys so you seriously believe that? She could be lying" said Catra
"Why would I make this up?!" Look I'll show you!"
I we t over to the TV and went to Netflix again and it started to play were I left off.
"We are famous! Isn't this amazing guys?!" Said Scorpia all excited.
"No that's creepy! People are following and watching our every move!" Catra said all upset
"Oh great more news!"
"You guys weren't followed or whatever, you were...made.."
"Made?! How?! So we arnt not real?! Tell me how it works!" Said Entrapta
"I'll just play a YouTube video for you guys because I am not explaining everything!"
"YouTube video-" the stranger interrupts Adora
"Just watch it!"
Once everyone watched a video of a She Ra behind the scenes video everyone looked so shocked.
"So we're not real..." said Catra
"I guess not..." said Mermista
"Guys don't be sad, you guys are part of an amazing show and so many people love it! They make art, animations, videos edits, dress up as you, and so many other things too!"
"Wait really?!"
"Yes, and speaking about dressing up I have a Castaspella cosplay-"
"A what of me-?!"
"I'll show you!"
I took them to wear I keep all my cosplays and I took out my Castaspella one.
"Aww I'm flattered! I actually have a fan guys!" I was so happy to know that people all over this world love us.
"Try it on I wanna see!" Said Scorpia
"Yeah o need to see this" said Mermista
"Ok" so we all have the stranger some privacy. Once she was done I was so shocked. She looked absolutely stunning!
"I'm we haven't caught your name"
"Oh yeah that's right! My name is Zelda."
"Zelda you look absolutely gorgeous!"
"Oh w-wow thank you!"
"Hey what about me? Do you have a Mermista Cosplay?!"
"Ooo or a Perfuma one?!"
"How about me? Everyone looks amazing as a scorpion!"
"Please who would want to be any of you? She would clearly have one of me, I'm the most amazing one." Said Catra getting all cocky. (No pun intended 😳)
"Guy please, we don't have time for this!" Said Glimmer.
While the best squad tried to handle the situation me and Zelda just started taking.
"So why out of all os you choose to dress up as me? DONT get me wrong I'm flattered but why...?"
"Because Casta you are my favorite character and you are so amazing and beautiful! I lov- I mean I look up to you!"
"Aww that's really sweet"
"And whenever I saw you on TV I just feel all warm and safe inside which is why you are my comfort character"
Awwww! oooo and comfort character? I like the sound of that!
(I'm listening to music while writing this and Jenny started playing! 😳 omg imagine singing this to one of your comfort characters. Omg I dare you too! "I wanna ruin our friendship...😳 we should be lovers instead~ 😏  I don't know how to say this...😖👉👈but you're really my dearest friend!"☺️ aww nvm their fictional!!!! 😢💔)
"So uh since you and everyone else is here do you guys wanna go out and do something?"
"Of course! But shouldn't we be under cover? You know since we arnt really real and we have so many fans? We're probably going to get mobbed!"
"True since everyone simps for you guys"
"What was that?"
"Is it ok if I borrow your clothes..? Oh wait sorry that was weird I should've have said that!" Omg Casta why would you ask her that?! Ugh I'm so dumb sometimes! Omg I'm red as a tomato right now!
"Oh no it's ok I was going to say yes anyways!"
"Omg thank you! And again I am really sorry!"
"Like I said, it's ok!"
Zelda gave me a pair of her clothes and tried it on.
H-how do I look...?"
"Wow you l-look amazing!"
"Thank you so much, you ha e been nothing but kind to me and the others! I'm really sorry if we have caused any trouble!"
"No no you haven't caused any trouble at all! Im actually happy that you guys are here. And you can stay as long as you need! My door will always be open"
I gave Zelda a hug "Thank you! You are the nicest person I have ever met!"
"N-no problem! Anything for you- I mean for you guys!"

Zelda x Castaspella Where stories live. Discover now