Character Information

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Name: Andromeda Olympia Gods

Name Meaning:

Andromeda: Ruler of men

Olympia: Heavenly or a goddess from Mount Olympic

Name Mortals Call Her: Romeda Gods

Age Everyone Believes (Vampire): 725

Age Everyone Believes (Human):

Youngest She Can Pass For: 18

Oldest She Can Pass For: 22

Real Age: 2819 (Older than the originals)

Age Turned: 20

Species: Vampire/Greek Goddess/Mistress of Death

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Vampire Eye Color/ When Drinking Blood: Red and black

Vampire Eye Color/ When Drinking Blood: Red and black

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Height: 5'1

Where she lives (Currently): Switches between London and New York/Mount Olympic (before) now Mystic Falls and New York

Accent: American

Different Languages Spoken: Ancient Greek, Spanish, basically every languages including any 'dead' languages

Code Name: A, Reaper, Grimm Queen,

Best Friends: Stefan Salvatore and Lexi Branson

What Her Friends/Family Call Her: Ro, Meda, Ann, Bloodsucker, Darkling,

Secrets: She was turned into a vampire by the Greek Gods because they wanted to try a new creation out. When the Greek empire fell the gods took a liking to her and made her a Greek Goddess, the Goddess of monster, nightmares, blood and Hell. Hades, since he was the ruler of the underworld, especially took a liking to her and took her in during the winters (Much like Persephone except not romantic relationship) and taught her a lot about her powers. The fates later found out about the vampire goddess and grated her with special abilities, she was able to grant prophesies since the oracle was lost after the fall of Greece and not found until many years later. The fates as well as giving her new powers made her the Mistress of death it's self, she is able to control the demons of hell, prevent and cause death, and things not even she knows yet. They also made the other gods gift her with a power and in return she would forever be loyal to them and never turn her back to them. She became the most powerful being in the universe. 

What she is the Goddess of: Goddess of Monsters, nightmares,  blood, and Hell. She is also the Mistress of death so she controls all things that die. Her sacred gem is lapis Lazuli (since vampires use that to walk in the sun, she was the one who came up with the idea) Her sacred animal is a white wolf and a black wolf. Her sacred colors are red and black primarily but also green. Her scared food is a strawberry and black berries. Her sacred flowers are Iris 'before the storm', Black Baccara Rose, Chocolate Cosmos, Hellebore, Red Cardinal, Calla Lily, and Amaryllis. Another one of her sacred signs is the blood moon as well as blood in general.

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