bruce fluff

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Bruce was working in the lab while Natasha was on the floor playing with her dolls. Natasha got broad quickly and she wanted to play. "Daddy" Natasha tugged at Bruce's leg. "Not now bunny daddy's working" Bruce patted her hair. "Daddy I'm broad" Natasha whined. "Bunny you need to wait daddy has to work" Bruce went back to his work. Natasha got mad and slapped Bruce's leg. Bruce stoped and look down at Natasha. "Bunny did you hit daddy" Natasha eyes widened. "I I sorry daddy I I don't mean to" she cried. Bruce picked her up and took her to the Corner. "Stay here for 10 minutes" he went back to his work. Natasha cried loudly not likeing being in the corner. She whined and cried but Bruce didn't cave in. When the ten minutes were up Bruce picked Natasha up. "Bunny what did you learn" "no hit daddy" Natasha held on to Bruce like a baby kola bear. "what are we not gonna do" "hit daddy" Natasha said. "Good bunny now do you wanna watch a movie" Bruce took her to his room. Natasha giggles and nodded. "Ok bunny just for you"

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