Chapter 39

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"Hunter!" Kai screamed almost toppling over as she ran to me making me chuckle.

She tackled me into a hug and we both fell to the ground laughing.

"Don't do that to me ever again! I thought that I'd never see you again, I love you, oh god its good to see you," she sobbed and I hugged her tightly.

She was crying, full on sobbing and I felt sad knowing I caused this. I've never made her cry and seeing her like this made me hurt.

"I'm sorry Kai i really am and I love you too dummy..........but can you get your fat ass off me, I'm kinda in pain," I said softly and she stopped to gasp.

She got off me and we sat up then I pulled her into another hug making her laugh.

"God I didnt ever think I'd miss your stupid ass so much," I chuckled making her laugh and cry at the same time.

When she finally stopped crying I pulled away and wiped her face.

"Ew, I got your snot on my hand," I said wide eyed rubbing it off on her shirt making her snicker.

"Do I gotta die and come back to life to hear an I love you from you? Damn , should die more often then," I grinned and she hit me upside the head.

"Shut up, gosh," she rolled her eyes and I laughed at my best friend.

We caught up and I told her everything that happened.

"So I don't exist .....okay," Klaus mumbled and I gasped.

"How long were you standing there!?" I exclaimed pulling his hand making him drop on his knees and I pulled him into a hug and he laughed.

"Sine Kai ran in," he chuckled and I pulled away.

"Are you alright kid? We missed you," he said with a warm smile.

"I'm good cheif, as always, I can smell your lies," I grinned making him scoff.

"Hey, I was stuck with her crying butt for the past two weeks, thank god you came back, I swore she had a freaking tank in her head," he grinned and Kai punched his arm making me laugh at them.

"I'm kidding, I missed you, things haven't been the same and I'm freaking glad to see you," he smiled hugging me again.

"I missed you too Klaus, I kept thinking about you guys........I had accepted that I wasn't going to make it......but the thought of not seeing you guys again....that's what hurt the most," I smiled sadly thinking about when I was lying there unable to move.

Both him and Kai hugged me and we all spoke for a very long time until Theo walked in looking like he had seen a ghost then he smiled.

"I'm still trying to get used to you," he mumbled sitting next to us on the ground not even questioning why we were here in the first place.

He pulled me into his arms and let out a sigh.

"What the fuck?" Kai drawled out eyes popping out of her head making me snicker.

"Since when you guys do that?" Klaus asked equally taken aback.

"I know you missed her but.....wait why are you allowing .....huh?" Kai's added confised as hell.

"Klaus doesn't know?" I asked confused looking up at Theo who shook his head no.

"I don't let people see me cry, okay, so I just told him I was busy all the time the past two weeks," he responded making Klaus gasp.

"You stupid fuck I heard you crying I just though you were feeling fucking guilty because you kept saying it was your fault on our way home that day, and I didnt want to get punched so I left you alone......he cried....a lot," Klaus said annoyed making me cackle.

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