Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [01]

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By the time Silver had her first glow stick cracked, lit and around her neck she noticed that Genesis’ was already moving away from the ladder, no longer waiting for her. Silver gritted her teeth, ignoring her apprehension and hurrying down the ladder, though she did not drop down as she had witnessed the other do. She turned, seeing the woman staring at her as if silently willing Silver to hurry up and she gritted her teeth. Was this woman really this arrogant? Was that why she always seemed so carefree and at ease, even in compromising situations? Because she believed she could get through it all unscathed and on her own terms? Silver had to wonder.

It was definitely colder down in the tunnel than up in the building and Silver was glad she had her favorite hoodie on. She kept her gaze on the ground as she walked, eager not to trip over anything as she feared would happen. She glanced up however; she had to make sure that Genesis wasn’t leaving her behind for dead.

In the yellow glow she witnessed the woman trudging head, head lifted up as she gazed ahead of her, never once looking down or behind her to make sure Silver was still following. She even still had her own jacket opened, showing off the deep red belly shirt she had been kidnapped in. Seeing that made Silver wonder if the woman could feel the cold or if she was just hiding it or ignoring the chill altogether.

The silence didn’t bother Silver too much, though she was warily listening for any small sound over the hollow echoing of their footsteps as they walked. The gun was still loosely clutched within her hand.

It wasn’t long after that Genesis soon stopped and Silver stopped as well, eyeing her warily. Genesis paid the woman no attention, instead surveying the sight around her. “This could prove problematic.” She murmured to herself, not expecting an answer.

“And why is that?” Silver snapped glancing around the Assassin descendant and feeling a lump arise in her throat. Before them the path stopped in a sheer vertical drop, below them was murky water with no way back up if one fell into it. There she spotted the three Templar bodies that she had heard had been lost before. “Well, get going! Find a way over!” she demanded nervously, aiming the gun at Genesis as she turned and blinked at her.

“Charming, aren’t we?” Never the less Genesis turned, hands on her hips as she surveyed her surroundings. She removed a second glow stick from her pants pocket and cracked it holding it up high to spread its light. Above it seemed like there was some sort of a beam that she could stand upon, though it didn’t look too trustworthy. She frowned, her eyes roving for a way up. She wouldn’t be able to jump high enough to reach on her own…

She had relived her ancestor’s memories, not a direct ancestor but her direct ancestor’s brother, the one who had become an assassin. Genesis was sure if it wasn’t for this ‘bleeding effect’ that everyone talked about she wouldn’t have spotted it, at least not right away, never having been trained to do so before in her life. Along the wall, going straight up, though not in a decidedly straight path, were notches into the wall, big enough to fit a hand or foot… She eyed them, following its path up where it reached the beam she had previously been eying.

Silver watched as Genesis bit down onto the glow stick in her hand, moving to the wall and placing a hand high up into a large rounded notch in the wall. Silver’s eyes narrowed as she watched her reach for a lower one and then placed her foot within one that was higher then the floor. She continued this process, climbing up with the use of these notches, without a second thought and ignoring the pieces of the wall that crumbled under her as she moved. Silver had to wonder if the woman was suicidal, insane, reckless, or did she just not realize the dangers?

Maybe it was a mix of all of those options, she decided as Genesis reached the top. She stopped, leaning back slightly, feeling her hands slip a little as she did so, eyes focusing on the beam. It looked sturdy enough, but you could never be too sure, she should go about it carefully, cautiously…

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