Chapter 5

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quick AN i'm watching tommy's steam rn so if i mess something up it's because i got distracted 😂

after hanging out downstairs with george for a bit you head back upstairs to see it's only 1pm
"ughh i'm so bored, i wonder if tommy is still streaming?" you say sitting at your computer to see if he is, you see that he's not streaming anymore so you call him on discord, he picks up.
"hey y/n" he says
"hello tommy!" you answer
"wait that's y/n?!!" you hear a girls voice say
"uh who's that" you ask
"sorry that's just my cousin allie" he answers
"oh ok, so tommy i'm bored can we just talk?"
"yeah of course!"
you and tommy talk for hours until george asked you to come downstairs
"yeah?" you ask george
"clay is going to have to stay in the hospital for another few weeks, and school is canceled for awhile.. so do you want to come with me to brighton?"
you just sit there and stare for a bit i could go to brighton?! i could possibly meet tommy!
"hello y/n are you ok?"
"oh yeah sorry, i'd love to go! how long will i be there for?"
"three weeks, oh and you could meet your boyfriend tommy while your there too" he says
"he is not my boyfriend!" you say feeling your face heat up
"oh so you weren't talking to him for 5 hours?"
"that was 5 hours?!"
"oh my god i have to go edit i lost track of time"
"ok but start packing too we are leaving tomorrow"
"WHAT?!! okay i'll pack instead of editing i guess"
you run upstairs and text tommy right way
                         IM GOING TO LONDON!
                     TOMORROW, BRIGHTON!
                                         WAIT REALLY?!
                           IM GOING FOR THREE
why are we yelling?
and we could meet!!
                                                       and yess!
i have to go to bed gn y/n
                                goodnight tommy! <3
you put down your phone with a big smile on your face i'm going to meet tommy, i'm actually going to meet him
you start packing you bag, you pack enough clothes for three weeks and you also pack some extra stuff, by the time your done packing it's late and you fall asleep

you wake up the next morning to george standing at your door telling you to get up
"okay okay i'm getting up!"
AN heatwaves just came on my playlist. that's all :)
"come on y/n we have a 10 hour flight in an hour"
"ughh i'm getting up george get out"
"okay just don't fall back asleep"
"i won't"
you get up and find a comfortable but decent looking because you don't know when you get to meet tommy
you end up wearing leggings, a hoodie, and a messy bun (if you don't like it imagine what ever you want)
you head downstairs to see george waiting by the door with his shoes already on
"oh my god y/n you are slow" he says
"i know i know" you answer putting on your shoes and walking to the car
             time skip to at the airport
you get there and have to wait 30 minutes so you text tommy
                                                     hi tommy!
     i'm getting on the plane in 30 mins:)       
how long is your flight?
                                          about 10 hours
oh jesus
i'll be in brighton in about a hour
your with george right?
                                                     yeah why?
do you think we could meet today?
                                                            i'll ask
you look up at george and tap his shoulder
"tommy is going to brighton today too and i want to know if i can meet him today?!"
"i mean yeah but you will be jet lagged so if you really want to meet him today you should just spend the night with him" he answers
spend the night with tommy? i want to it would be fun but what if he doesn't want to?..
"okay i'll ask"
                                                  he said yes
but i would need to spend the night with you

            oh i have to get on the plane now
okay have a safe flight <3
   he put a heart, why did he put a heart? i'm just overthinking he doesn't like me like that
           Tommy's POV (finally)
why did i put a heart im so stupid she's obviously going to know i fancy her if i put a heart! i'm so fucking stupid
"tommy we are at the hotel come on"
"coming mum"
                         Y/N's POV
     time skip to after the plane lands
you walk off the plane and go sit down somewhere while george gets our bags, you decide to call tommy
"hey tommy, i just landed are you going to be here to pick me up soon?"
"oh yeah i'm here now by the entrance" "ok i'll head over there now"
"okay bye y/n"
george hands you your bag
"tommy is waiting for me, i'll see you tomorrow" you say giving him a quick hug, even though he's your friends brother you've ended up loving him like your brother, you walk around till you see tommy and notice how nervous you feel, you try to ignore it and run up to him
even though you guys just started talking not too long ago if feels like you've known him forever, you hug him, as you let go you realize just how tall he is
"how are you so tall?" you ask
"how are you so short?"
"i'm not your just tall!"
"are you two fighting already?" you hear a younger girl ask
"who's this?" you ask tommy
"oh this is my little cousin allie, she came with us" he answers
"oh hi allie!" you say turning to her
"hi y/n" she saying smiling at you, she looks like she is about 11 or 12          time skip again, your getting a long chapter so you have to deal with time skips
                     you've been with tommy for about an hour now you two have your own hotel room and you are getting really tired, your sitting on the floor, because it's comfy, and start to fall asleep
"hey y/n are you tired?" tommy asks
"no no i'm fine" you answer trying to stay awake
"okay then" he says, he keeps talking but you can't focus, next thing you know your being lifted up by tommy, you feel him set you down on a bed, he starts to walk away but you grab his hand
"lay with me" you ask, you feel the bed dip down next to you and turn so your facing tommy, you slowly go closer to him until your head is on his chest, you feel him tense up but then he relaxes and starts playing with your hair, next thing you know your asleep.
                  Tommy's POV
y/n lays her head on my chest and i tense up at first but then i relax, i start playing with her hair till i feel her fall asleep and pull out my phone
                                                   wilbur help
with what tommy?
your hotel is just down the road need me to go?
     no no, it's just y/n is here as you know and she kinda fell asleep laying on me and i don't know what to do

                                                   wait really?
you should tell her you like her
ohhh do it tomorrow
i'll help i'll set up a date
i'm so excited
                  woah there wilbur calm down
sorry, i'm going to bed now goodnight tommy!
                                    goodnight wilbur
i set down my phone and fall asleep cuddling y/n

i hope you like this extra long chapter! it took awhile to write. don't forget to drink water and get some sleep <3
1345 words ^

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