Chapter #4

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A/N i'm having a bit of writers block but i will try to make this good :]
you wake up, honestly kinda disappointed to be back in your room. What was that dream?.. You sit in bed and just think about your dream i should probably get up and get ready you think, you reach for you phone and see some discord messages
are you alive
oh yeah
we have different time zones
i'll stop spamming you now
i don't want to wake you up
i do
so wake up
i wanna stream
are you younger then me?
why did i say that
that will make you want to call me child
                                        you are annoying
will you stream with me soon
like now
                    fine just let me eat breakfast
( sorry if that looks weird to you i'm writing on my phone so it might look wierd if you are on computer)
you get up and head downstairs, oh yeah george is here "George are you awake?" you say walking up to the guest bedroom door and knocking
"not really but i can get up if you need something" he answers sounding really tired
"no it's ok i'm just going to grab something to eat and stream, you can go back to sleep" you say as you walk away, you hear him mumble something but your not sure what. You grab cereal and a bottle of water and head to you room, you eat really quick and discord call tommy
"HELLLOO WOMAN" he screams very loud, i think that made me go deaf jesus
"hello child"
"HOWDAREYOUCALLMEACHILDWHENYOUAREONLYFIFTEENYOUARETHECHILDYOUCANTCALLMECHILD" (how dare you call me a child when you are only fifteen you are the child you can't call me child) "i honestly have no idea what you said there tommy, are you streaming?" you ask
"oh yes sorry i should've told you"
"no no it's fine let me deafen real quick and start up my stream"
you deafen in discord and click go live, you wait a few minutes as some viewers join and then say hello "hii! how is everyone?" you ask watching chat reading some "good, great, good now that your streaming, aw thanks chat!" you look up to your camera and smile "so today we are going to be streaming with the child tommyinnit" you say as you undeafen  "STOPCALLINGMEACHILDYOUWOMAN" (stop calling me a child you woman) tommy yells right away "jesus tommy your going to make me go deaf and all my viewers" you say "no i am not." he says back sounding annoyed but you know it's just for the stream "so tommy what are we even doing today?" you ask realizing he never told you what we were doing "oh playing minecraft" he says like it's obvious, i guess it kinda is.. " oh ok, are we starting a new world?"
"mkay" you say as you make a new world
"hey chat what should i name it?" you ask, you see a lot of different names and ask tommy what his chat thinks
"they said you should name it y/ninnit.." he said quietly, you start to blush a bit, wait why am i blushing, that's stupid i don't like him i just met him. you glance over at chat and see
'y/n is blushing!'
'wait is she blushing?'
'new ship!?'
'i ship it'
'she is blushing so hard'
"chat shut up i'm not blushing!" you kinda yell forgetting your not muted
"did i just make a woman blush? POG" tommy says
"anyyyywayy let's play minecraft child"
"okay but stop calling me child!"
        time skip bc i have to do school
after about an hour of playing minecraft you guys have a house, pets, and a lot of good stuff, you have your own bedrooms though of course
"tommyy where's my dog?"
"what dog? ohhh are you talking about the one with the pink?"
"yes, where is it?"
"in your room."
"oh ok"
you walk in your room to see a blue bed next to your pink one, you look at it all confused till you realize it's tommy's bed. Your eyes go wide and you start blushing ( like this emoji 😳 )
"uhhh tommy?"
"did you put your bed next to mine??"
you start blushing even more and cover your face hoping chat won't see but they did because you got a dono and heard "oh my god my baby sister has a crushhh" get read off in a robot voice, you look up and see it's from dream, "uhh thanks dream for the $5 and NO I DONT" but maybe i do? ughh i don't know
"y/n? are you alive"  you hear tommy say           whoops
"yeah sorry tommy"
"i'm about to end my stream"
"yeah me too"
"ok bye y/n"
"bye tommy"
you leave the discord call and talk to stream "so chat i'm going to end stream here, i hope you all enjoyed!! byeeeee" you end stream and head down stairs to see George sitting with his laptop on the couch "i'm pretty sure clay was right y/n" he says
"right about what"
"you liking tommy"
"what?! i do not"
"y/n it's obvious" (i don't know how to spell that sorry if it's wrong)
"tell me why you think i like him then"
"you blush when you talk to him, and you do talk about him a lot, and you should've seen your face when you say his bed beside yours, you don't even try to hide it"
"ok fine, maybe i like him, but just a little bit!" you say lying, you obviously like him a lot but you won't admit that to your brothers best friend
"ok y/n what ever you say"

hii, how did you like that chapter? and again sorry if i spelled anything wrong i'm bad at spelling lol. ok that's it i hope you all have a good day/night don't forget to drink water, byeee <3
- Tori

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