Chapter 18

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"Hello?" I mumbled, holding the phone up to my ear. I had been dozing on my bed when my phone went off, Stiles' name appearing. I was still at the house; Uncle Ben didn't kick me out. He actually hugged me and said he was proud. He even told me a bit about himself that made my jaw drop.

Well his exact words were "Why do you think you're a Nephalem and not a normal werewolf? You have Demon and Angel ancestors. My father was half demon and my mother was half angel. My sister, your mother, was the one that inherited both traits. I didn't inherit either, only your mother did, but I still knew about it. I was just shocked at how experienced you are, and how fast. You have a gift, Erin, I'm proud."

I was confused after that, if my mother was both, and Peter was my father, wouldn't I have just been born a hybrid of all three, demon, angel, and werewolf, instead of just angel and demon? Why did I have to get the bite in order to evolve into a werewolf and initiate my Nephalem, if it was already in my blood? I need answers, and there's only one way to get them.

I hate to say it, but I have to talk to Peter, and soon. 

"Erin? Erin, you need to come to Derek's loft right now."


"It's Parrish, the other deputy tried to kill him for the Deadpool."

My heart dropped, along with the phone in my hand.

"Is he okay? Where is he?" I asked, running up to the door. I had speeded all the way here, running two red lights and six stop signs. I didn't care; I needed to see Parrish, to make sure he's okay. I was absolutely petrified, if something happened to him, I wouldn't know what to do. He needs to be okay, he has to be.

Lydia, Derek, and Scott were standing outside the door, probably talking over what happened. I wasn't worried about what they were doing; I just need to see Jordan.

"He's in there." Scott told me and I pushed through them, wasting no time.

I opened the door, seeing him sitting on the couch. He was in a t-shirt and jeans, which was different considering he's usually in his uniform. I liked it though, it suited him. He had been set on fire by the other deputy, his car as well. He must've showered, because he was clean, no ash on him. Jesus, how long did they wait to call me then? I wanted to get mad at them for taking so long, but that wasn't my main concern right now.

"Jordan," I breathed, shutting the door behind me. He stood up when he saw me, looking just as scared as me. I walked towards him, both of us wrapping our arms around each other. I had my arms around his neck, on the very tip of my toes as he held me up with his strong arms around my waist. "I was so terrified that something happened to you or that you were killed and I- I didn't know what to think when Stiles called me and I-"

My mumbling was cut off, along with my breathing. It took me a second to realize what was happening, and when I did, I was soaring on cloud nine. This couldn't be happening, this isn't happening right? But I saw his eyes close and sure enough, it was.

He was kissing me, Jordan was kissing me. My eyes fluttered shut as he slowly moved his lips against mine. His hands tightened on my waist and my hand threaded through the hair on the back of his head. I didn't care about anything else at the moment, all I cared about was right here. I forgot about the Deadpool and Peter being my father, about Kate and her Berserkers, everything. It was just Jordan and I, no one else. My lungs were burning, meaning this had to come to an end.

But then he was pulling back, our eyes opening at the same time to lock on each other's. I tried to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth when I tried to speak. Luckily, he spoke first. "When I was in that car, getting gasoline poured on me and all over the car, I had two thoughts in my mind. One, being the fact that I was going to die, obviously. The second was that I'd never get to see you again. I was scared I'd never be able to see your beautiful blue eyes or your gorgeous smile or adorable laugh. I remember thinking 'this is it; I'll never be able to see Erin again.' That was one of the worst thoughts in the world. You kept me going, the thought of never seeing you again kept me alive. Because you are the most amazing girl I've ever met, and any guy would be honored and so lucky to have you. I want to be that guy, I want to kiss you whenever I want and be able to say goodnight to you."

"But it's illeg-" he shook his head, not letting me speak.

"I don't care what the law says about it being illegal, Erin; I don't care if I have to sneak around. I just want to call you mine."

I had tears in my eyes, a smile on my face and a small blush on my cheeks. All I could manage to say was, "that's not very comforting coming from a cop."

He laughed, cupping my face with his hands and bringing me closer for another kiss. My hands reached up to take a hold of his wrists as he held my face. We didn't say anything for a minute, just staring at each other for awhile. Then in the back of my head I heard shuffling and I pulled back. "They're coming."

We let go of each other and turned towards the door, just as it opened. I was worried they were listening in, but judging by the look on their faces, they weren't. Thank God, that would've ruined everything.

Scott walked towards us, putting a hand on Parrish's shoulder. "Why don't you sit down? It's time for Supernatural 101."

<^_^<                  >^_^>

Short chapter but HEYY, THEY KISSED!

Comment "FinallyParin' if you liked this chapter! I loved it, I ship them so much.

The gif of Stiles is how we all feel when Parin kissed, am I right?

Question: Does anyone hate Valentine's Day as much as me?

I know it's not for a few days, but I still can't stand it.


Vote! Comment! Goodbye my Deputies~

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