Part 7: Talk

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y/n pov:

"y/n don't look now but look who's here" whispered blaise slightly nudging your arm 'shit it's fred' you looked at blaise and draco and bit your lip 'what does he want' you thaught to yourself "may i have a word with you love?" he askes with a smirk on his lips you glance and blaise and draco who give you a nod "sure why not" you reply walking off towards the black lake with fred

"wow it beautiful down here" you say trying to start a conversation "yeah it is" fred replies gingerly putting his hands in his pockets you turned around to face him "so?" you questioned pulling a puzzled look "what ?" he looks at you and raises and eyebrow "so what did you want to talk about" you say whilst sitting down on a log and folding your arms he sits down next to you "what's your name love?" he asked you looked at him "y/n lestrange" he was avoiding any eye contact "but you must believe i'm nothing like my mother or father i promise i'm nothing like them nothing of the-."
fred intercepted "i know i'm shocked that's all" he laughed  "oh" you giggle you could feel his eyes on you you turn to look at him "fred i-" before you know it he kisses you a very passionate kiss one like you have never had it before you couldn't help yourself but kiss back he gradually goes down towards your neck planting little kisses wherever he goes you tried your best to hold back biting your lip "i heard you liked me lestrange" he whispers down your neck sending shivers down your spine "and what if i do weasley " you smirk he looks up at you smirking and kisses you again even more passionate then before again slowly making it down to your neck but instead of kissing sucking it knowing you would have marks your stomach feels like it's doing flips your heart is racing you couldn't hold back any longer and let out a quite moan hoping fred wouldn't hear unfortunately he did he looks back at you and stands up grabbing your arm and making your way back to the school "you shouldnt of done that y/n" he says with a huge smirk on his face.

authors note

hiya lovelies sorry for the update not been the best recently this is only a small chapter for now but i will update tomorrow hope you like the cliffhanger ❤️

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