Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Give me a moment." Kiku said starting to type away on his laptop. The trio waited patiently. Lovino seemed slightly annoyed to have them hanging around his lab. "This is security footage from out the shop. We can see the people come and go from the scene."

Matthew tilted his head watching the video. He recognized the people that passed, but none were the one they were looking for. "Wait." He mumbled and Kiku paused the video. He pointed to a person that was walking just behind another. "That's him. I recognize the shirt and coat."

"I'll see if we can find him in any of the traffic cameras." The dark haired man said.

Matthew nodded. He watched the video the Japanese man pulled up closely and was able to point him out again. They had to follow him to another camera, before getting a good image. Kiku layered the DNA portrait over the mans face. They almost matched exactly. He ran his face through their database.

"Nathan Octain." Kiku said pulling up the man's record. "Has previous charges including assault, drug charges and stalking."

"Does he have a current address?" Gilbert asked and the other man nodded. He read it out loud. "Ready, Birdie?"

"Sure." The Canadian said.

—-❄️"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."❄️—-

"Shouldn't you have back up." Matthew asked quietly as they walked through the parking garage to the suspects apartment building.

"I've got jou." The Prussian smirked.

"Thanks for the confidence." The blond rolled his eyes. "I mean real back up."

"I trust you to vatch my back." Gilbert hummed with a smile. Matthew just sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ve'll be fine Birdie."

The Canadian didn't bother arguing, sometimes he was like talking to a brick wall. The pair found the elevator and went up to the suspects' floor. Matthew was watching the halls for any sign of the man or someone watching them. They got to the suspects' proper unit and Gilbert put his ear to the door. He couldn't hear anything, but knocked just encase. He also pulled out his gun. There wasn't an answer. The blond expected him to kick down the door, but he got on one knee instead. He pulled out a small kit and started to pick the lock.

"When did you learn to pick a lock?" Matthew asked surprised. He used to do it and attempted to teach the albino, but he didn't have enough patience.

"About a year ago." Gilbert said. "After jou vere gone it got a lot harder to get into places discreetly." He heard a click and the door was unlocked. "Stay here vhile I clear the rooms."

Matthew nodded agreeing. The Prussian stepped inside with his gun raised. He disappeared into the apartment. The blond hated waiting. He knew he'd probably hear if there was someone that Gilbert found, but he still worried. People had hidden from them and attacked before.

"Birdie." The Prussian's voice brought him out of his worrying. He was standing inside the apartment just putting his gun away. "It's clear, jou can come in."

The Canadian nodded and stepped inside. Gilbert handed him a pair of gloves before going to search. He put them on and did the same. He looked on the kitchen table and immediately spotted a gun. The albino had as well. He carefully picked it up. It was already loaded.

"It's not the same cal as the veapon used in the murders." Gilbert said setting it down. He left it the way he thought he found it. Matthew shook his head and turned it around to match exactly. "Danke."

The pair split up. The blond looked around at the photos on the wall trying to see if he recognized anyone. He only recognized Nathan in them, but no one else. He went into the man's bedroom. He opened his dresser drawers and found some papers. It was the same handwriting as the notes.

Gilbert looked through the kitchen. He found a few newspaper clippings and was exiting them to be about Matthew and him. They were just recipes. He put them back where he found them. He started looking through the next drawer. He checked for a false bottom as well as underneath. He didn't find anything and moved onto the next. He smiled as he opened the drawer.

Right on top was a stack of papers. He picked them up and turned them over. They were the next few notes. There were five total. He guessed the man planned on killing at least five more people. He skimmed through the first four on the stack, but the last one caught his attention. All the others were for him and Matthew, but this one was directed at only him. His nose wrinkled reading it. It was clear the note was for when he finally killed the Canadian. Gilbert would have been the next. He was prepared to do anything to prevent it.

"Find anything?" Matthew's voice made him jump. He hadn't heard him coming.

"Ja, next few notes." The Prussian said. He laid them out on the counter and pulled out his phone. He took a photo of each before putting them back. He quickly took a photo of the gun as well. "Vhat about jou."

"Nothing. I don't recognize anyone in the guys photos other then him." The blond sighed.

The pair started to leave. Gilbert locked the door behind them. He hoped the apartment looked like they'd never been there. He called Elizabeta.

"Eliza, Nathan is the guy ve're looking for." The albino said as soon as she answered. They were just exiting the building into the parking garage. "I vant surveillance on this guy until he's back. We need to arrest his ASAP."

"Good." The woman hummed.

Matthew was only partially listening to their conversation. He was still searching his memories for any links to Nathan or anyone in the photos. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. There were a few people the looked remotely similar, but unless they got surgery it wasn't their guy. He sighed shaking his head looking forward.

The Canadian's eyes widened. He grabbed Gilbert making him drop his phone. He dragged him quickly behind one of the concrete support columns.

"Birdie, what- "The Prussian asked as the first bullet hit the ground where they had been standing. "Scheiße!" He cursed pulling out his own gun making sure the blond was covered behind him.

Gilbert looked past the pillar. He flinched back as another bullet hit the column. He quickly peaked and shot, but missed. The Canadian felt helpless. He had no way to help. Another bullet hit the column making him jump. The man shot three more before they heard loud footsteps. The shooter was running.

"Stay here." Gilbert said standing up to give chase.

Matthew was about to grab his coat to stop him and protest, but the albino was out of grasp. He got to his feet to follow him, but stopped. He saw the albino running, but the man turned around and aimed at him. He saw his face twist into a smirk before he fired the shot. Gilbert didn't have enough time to react and crumpled to the ground.

"Gil!" The Canadian screamed seeing him fall.

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