Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Gil!" Matthew screamed seeing Gilbert fall to the ground.

The blond rushed forward not caring about his own safety. He noticed that the suspect had disappeared around the corner. He got to the Prussian's side and got on his knees. Gilbert shifted slightly with a groan. He was happy to see him moving, but panicked again seeing the blood under him. The albino turned over and went to stand up, but he stopped him.

"Don't get up." Matthew said. He carefully reached forward and opened the others coat to get a better look at the chest wound.

"I'm fine, Birdie." Gilbert said out of breath. The blond looked up meeting his eyes. He also was bleeding from scrape on his jaw. "Don't vorry."

"You're not fine." The Canadian mumbled inspecting the wound. It was just a graze, but he could see a rib. There wasn't an actual entry and exit, it just skimmed him. He was bleeding fairly heavily. "You're bleeding."

"Vhere'd the guy go?" Gilbert asked watching him pull off his sweater.

"Don't know." Matthew said starting to put pressure on the wound. "Ran."

"Oh." The albino mumbled. He went to stand up again, but the Canadian stopped him. "Liz is still on the phone."

"Stay here. I'll get it." The blond sighed.

Matthew made Gilbert take the sweater and put pressure on the wound himself. He stood up and got the phone returning to his side. He gave the Prussian the phone and took over putting pressure on the wound again.

"Eliza said there's already an ambulance on the way." The albino frowned.

"Good." Matthew sighed. It was only a couple minutes before the paramedics arrived and took over. He stood up and stepped back to give them room.

"Birdie." Gilbert asked stretching to see him. One of the medics was checking the scrape on his jaw. "Jou're coming, right?"

"If you want me to." The blond said. He just looked dumbly up at him.

"Vell, ja. Of course I vant jou to come." The Prussian smiled. He was immediately scolded by one of the medics for moving.

"Alright." Matthew gave him a small smile.

—-❄️"Whoever is happy will make others happy too."❄️—-

The ride to the hospital was pretty uneventful. Gilbert mostly complained the whole way. The blond was barely listening. In his mind he was constantly replaying the memory of him being shot. He tried to find a way to prevent it. His body was on auto pilot when they got there.

The Prussian had noticed Matthew was zoned out. He knew he was stuck in his memories by his expression. He didn't have a second to get his attention. Doctors kept asking him questions and eventually knocked him out to stitch up the bullet wound. The first thing he saw when he woke was his boss. He looked for the Canadian and spotted him leaning against the wall. He was relieved that he hadn't left.

"Beilschmidt." The woman narrowed her eyes seeing he was awake. "You are an idiot."

"Danke." Gilbert smiled lazily. The drugs were still lingering in his system making him sleepy.

"What were you thinking? No vest or back up?" Elizabeta scolded. He decided to act like he was still very out of it and hoped to get off easy. "If you're not thinking about yourself, at least think about him. It could have very easily have been Matt and not you."

"I'm fine." The Prussian slurred slightly.

"This time." Elizabeta sighed running a hand through her hair. "Anyways, you're done for the rest of the week. Get some good rest and don't be more stupid than you already were."

"What day is it?" Gilbert asked trying to remember. He liked to keep busy and there wasn't much to do without work.

"It's Thursday." The woman pinched the bridge of her mode. "I'm putting more officers around your place just encase Nathan tries anything."

"Won't stop me from going out!" The albino declared.

Elizabeta sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go make sure your suspect gets caught." She said giving him a pat on the head. He laughed and pushed her hand away. "Please, take time and relax."

"I know, I vill." Gilbert sighed looking worriedly over to Matthew. Once Elizabeta had left he tried to get the Canadian's attention. "Birdie?" He asked, but he didn't answer. "Birdie!" He called, but still nothing from him. "Matthew?"

The Canadian still didn't respond. He was worried knowing how much Matthew got inside his own head. He shifted in his bed and reached out towards him. He couldn't reach and scooted to the edge of his bed. He managed to grab his hand. The blond jumped in surprise looking down at him.

"Sorry." Matthew immediately apologized.

"It's fine, Birdie." Gilbert smiled gently. He still hadn't let go of his hand. The Canadian stepped forward so he wasn't half hanging off the bed. "Vhen vere you?"

"Earlier." Matthew looked down. "You know."

"Ja." The Prussian sighed guiltily. He did feel horrible for scaring him. He knew the fear from the memory wouldn't fade.

"I thought he killed you." The blond furrowed his eyebrows. He looked up meeting his eyes. "It looked like it would have killed you. That shot, you're lucky."

"I know." Gilbert mumbled. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for scaring jou. I should have thought more. I know I put jou in danger as vell. I'm sorry for that too."

"It's okay." Matthew shrugged.

Both of them knew it really wasn't, but didn't want to argue. The Prussian looked like he wanted to say more, but didn't. A small smile crept on his face as he gave the blonds hand a squeeze. Matthew gave him a tired smile. Gilbert wanted to tell him everything he was thinking in that moment, but knew from experience that confessing after being shot wasn't the best idea.

"Mr. Beilschmidt?" A voice made them both jump. "Sorry, for the scare sirs." The nurse apologized. "I'm here to give you your prescription to take home." She explained when and how to take it, but the Prussian already knew the drill. "You still have to stay for another hour. Someone will be around to discharge you then."

The hour didn't take long to pass. A nurse came back and cleared him to leave. They were both surprised to see that his car was parked outside. Matthew assumed one of the other detectives or officers brought it. The albino argued with him for a bit about driving. He wanted to, but the blond wouldn't let him. Especially since he was still drowsy from the medication. He finally gave in, giving him the keys.

Gilbert fell asleep almost instantly. The Canadian was easily able to navigate through the city to his apartment. He knew enough of the city to find it. When they got there, he got out of the car and went around to wake the albino. He gently put a hand on his shoulder and he blinked awake.

"Vogelchen? Was machst du hier? Ich bin müde." The albino asked confused looking around. He seemed to remember what happened and where he was. "Never mind."

Matthew smirked and closed the car door behind him. They walked up to the apartment. As soon as they stepped inside, the Canadian was tackled by a white streak. He caught the big dog with a smile turning him upside down like a baby.

"Miss me?" The blond cooed and Kumajirou barked. "Tu es un gros bébé." The dog barked again looking towards the door. He knew what Kuma wanted. "I got to take him out. You'll be okay by yourself?"

"Ja." Gilbert hummed sitting on the couch. "Be safe Birdie."

"I will be, don't worry." Matthew said reassuringly. He grabbed the leash and clipped it into Kuma's collar. "Rest Gil."

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