A loooong ride

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You and Bella took DJSS' arms and took them over your shoulders, and attempted to shimmy through the crowd of nosy fans.

"What's wrong?!"

"Someone call security!"

"No no... Everything's fine... my friend and I are helping the DJ to his car and driving him home."
Bella tried her hardest to calm the crowd, leaving his body all to you.

His drunk ass decided to pull away from you, when you were trying to hold him up.

You went to get a better position to hold him in when he finally decided to lean on you to make it easier.

Yet this made you MORE flustered. His heavy relaxed arm around your shoulders and his galaxy head resting on yours.

You almost forgot you were trying to walk, and slipped.

"Bella, Hel-"

Bella helped grab Sub before you collapsed under him.

The fans continued to bother you until security arrived.

{In the security room}

"Why do you think its alright to TOUCH one of NSR's ELITES! Did you even ask us first? NO!"

The first guard continues to ramble until he becomes background noise, and the second guard, more politely, wants to ask you and Bella some questions.

"Did you Drug Nova?"
He asked, catching Bella


"really we are taking him home, hes a bit to drunk to drive himself."
you answered before bella could get you in more trouble and looked at a drowsy and confused Sub, sitting on the chair in the corner by the door.

"is he doing alright?"

"i didnt know he was a lightweight"

"how does he... Even drink?"

Bella asked the one guard random questions until he trusted us with Sub. Who was passed put again.

"we will help you help him to his car, dont try anything funny."


~The end for now~

DJSS x Femboy Male Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now