One Impostor Remains

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Black: Why not? What say you? Where were you?
Red: I was in Electrical when this whole thing happened. I fixed some wires and then I started transferring power to Communications. I didn't see any murder.
Black: So you didn't see Blue get killed?
Red: No, sir. I didn't. My thought is that they set this whole thing up. White could have killed Blue and then told Brown to report it so that it would seem legitimate.
White: No! That's not what happened!
Black: That could be possible! (turning to White)
White: No, Brown and I saw the body together- (Cyan cuts her off)
Cyan: I don't know, Red. You've been acting kind of sus.....
Red: Huh!? What do you mean?
Black: Explain yourself, Cyan.
Cyan: Didn't you, Red, and Purple split up?
Black: Yes....but how is that relevant?
Cyan: Every time Red was alone, he didn't seem to complete any tasks. I watched the cameras from time to time, and at one point I saw Red stand still before the reactor went off. Also, Red said he went to electrical, meaning that he didn't even head toward the reactor when it went off.
Red: By the time I finished my tasks, the reactor was fixed!
Cyan: You couldn't stop what you were doing for a second?
Red: I was almost done! Plus, Brown and White were on it!
Black: That's not a very good reason unless you had a long task, and the tasks in electrical are normally short.

Red is ejected off the ship, and the screen reads, "Red was an Impostor. One impostor remains".

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