Chapter 1 Homecoming

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It's been 2 1/2 months since I was back home and now that I'm finally back I changed. After watching JiJi almost die in front of me, and found out Kakyoin died I've realized I should open up more so I can build relationships with people. So I decided when I got back to Japan I was gonna fully open up to Y/N, and tell him everything about what happened while I was gone and to tell him how I really feel.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was walking to school feeling sorry for myself and wondering what happened to JoJo. I saw my girlfriend so I shook my head and perked up.

Y/N: Hey Babe how was your morning?

Babe: Great my Dad finally came back from his business trip and brought a souvenir back with him for me.

Y/N: That's great what did he bring back? A baguette? A mini Eiffel Tower?

Babe: Ha you wish he brought back a rapier.

I stood there with wide eyes surprised about what he brought back.

Y/N: I thought he hated weapons and how did he get it through customs?

Babe: I know he hates weapons but, apparently this belonged to a good friend of his and that friend gave him the sword.

Y/N: Oh well it's still surprising.

We continued to talk about it for the rest of the walk to school until I heard someone scream.


Babe: You want to go back and welcome her back I know she's your best friend.

Y/N: I'll do it when she's not being hounded by her simps.

We continue to walk to class. I get a little sad but keep the smile on my face when we get in the class I go sit in my seat. Jotara enters the class and sits in her seat which happens to be next to mine.

Jotara: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Welcome back JoJo.

Jotara: Can you come over after school?

Y/N: Can't me and Babe are going on a date. I can come over tomorrow though.

Jotara: You're in a relationship?

Y/N: Yeah we got together 3 days after you left.

Jotara: I thought you didn't want a relationship?

Y/N: I didn't but I was ugh really lonely without you. You weren't home no ones seen you. Then Babe asked me out I was desperate, so I said yes. Then a week later I fell in love with her.

Jotara: Yare yare dawa, are you sure she doesn't want to use you for sex?

Y/N: I thought you'd be happy for me.

Jotara: Don't get me wrong I am. But, I want you to be sure that she actually loves you.

Y/N: I'm sure she does but if she doesn't I have you right.

I say giving her a convincing smile.

Jotara's P.O.V.

He's so handsome when he has a genuine smile. Only I can make him smile like that, I don't care who it is that makes him smile like that only I can.

Jotara: Yeah I'm always gonna be here for you.

The teacher started to talk to the class about Quantum Physics or some shit. I don't care about that I just looked at Y/N and payed half attention to the lesson.

After class Y/N introduced me to Babe his girlfriend. Every second with her was so painful. She made Y/N laugh, Smile, and Happy. Only I cans make him do those things. HE. IS. MINE.

Y/N: Jotara?

I stopped spacing out for my precious Y/N.

Jotara: Yeah.

Babe: You kinda spaced out. Are you ok?

Y/N: I think she's just trying to see if you're good enough for me. You know just like Akira did to me a few weeks ago.

Jotara: Yeah I was doing that. I'm not sure you're good enough for him yet. You seem to make him happy, but how much does he know about you? Because you've only asked questions about him even when I'm right here. His best friend and you haven't asked me a single question other than are you ok. Also, I've picked up on only knowing for you for about 45 minutes when he asks you a question you change the subject so what are you hiding?

Y/N: Jotara this is high school not a cop show, so can you ease up on the interrogation please? But, she does have a point you always change the subject when I ask you a question about something personal.

Babe: I change the subject what do you mean?

Oh she's an annoying one I will find out her secrets and expose them to Y/N if it's the last thing I do.

Jotara: You dodge the question and ask a question of your own. Y/N I'll try but if she doesn't answer the next question you have I will show her a new form of interrogation.

Y/N: Thank you JoJo for both looking out for me and being my lookout you know how blind I am when it comes to this stuff.

Jotara: Of course just be cautious of this girl I don't trust her. I have a good eye for this sorta thing.

Babe: Y/N I don't like you're best friend. She's analyzing every bit of me. Also, where were you for the past 2 1/2 months he was so depressed without you.

Y/N: Babe shut the hell up. It doesn't matter anymore she's back now and I'm sure you'll tell me when I come over today.

Jotara: I thought you were going on a date with her. Also yes Babe I am analyzing everything about you because I'm his best friend and he deserves the World, and I know you don't deserve him he's to good for you.

Y/N: Wait woah JoJo calm down-

Babe starts crying.

Babe: She's right I've been lying to you this entire time I've been cheating on you, stealing from you, and my family is the biggest shitstain on earth.

After that she ran away crying.

Y/N: I have no words to describe what just happened.

I got up and sat next to Y/N and hugged him.

Jotara: I'm sorry that all of the girls here are sluts. Y/N come on let's get out of here, I'll take you out for some ice cream. Then we can go to the Zoo, I know how much you love animals and you know how much I love marine animals it'd be a win/win.

Y/N: Ok yeah let's go.

I give him a comforting smile and nodded.

I love him, if someone decides to get in between our love they'll meet Star Platinums fist.

A Stars Obsession (fem yandere Jotaro x male depressed reader)Where stories live. Discover now