Chapter 2 The Zoo Date

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Me and Jotara left school early today so she can at least try to cheer me up by going to the zoo. She's my best friend and probably will cheer me up at some point but, I can't help but feel worthless to anyone.

Y/N: Jotara a-am I worthy enough to be loved?

Jotara turns to me looking pissed off and I am prepared to be either punched or yelled at.

Jotara: Don't you ever even think that Y/N L/N, you are worthy of whatever you fucking want, you are worthy of love I happen to know 2 people that would kill to be with you.

She said while sounding like she was holding back tears. I didn't want her to cry so I got in front of her and hugged her looked her in the eye and said.

Y/N: Jotara thank you I wouldn't be here without you. You taught me how to be happy, to love, and Jotara most importantly you're the person who has saved me you're my hero.

Jotara's P.O.V.

I'm his hero did I hear that correctly?

Jotara: Y/N do you mean it?

Y/N: Yes I'm sorry Jotara I didn't mean to upset you.

Jotara: It's ok just dont do it again.

I'm his hero... I'm his hero I can't believe it.

After he told me that I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close as we got closer to the ice cream parlor I got a chocolate, and Y/N got F/F. Then we headed off to the zoo, by the time we got there we finished our ice cream. We started to walk around and we haven't seen any animals yet we just spent time together.

Y/N: Hey JoJo I-I have something to tell you.

Jotara: Hm?

Does he want to confess to me? Or kiss me? Have sex? Huh maybe marriage?

Y/N: I gave up on being a Zoologist-

Jotara: What?! Who's fault was it? Was it that bitch Babe's fault?

He just laughs for a minute.

Jotara: What's so funny.

Y/N: You did.

Jotara: What?

He just sat up on a ledge by the exit of the aviary and patted me to sit next to him, so I did and he leaned his head on my shoulder since I was taller than him.

Y/N: When you just up and left I thought you either died or was never gonna see you again-

Jotara: I would never just up and leave you and not come back.

Y/N: Shhh let me finish you'll be really happy on what my new career is. Anyway, I still wanted to be connected to you in someway. So I decided to dwell into Marine Biology and I found it really cool and fascinating, so I said "Screw zoology this Marine Biologist stuff is way cooler. Plus, if Jotara's dead I'll do this to pursue her career for her, or if she's alive maybe this will bring us back together." So yeah that's my new career path. We won't have to separate because of school now.

As soon as he told me I got up and pulled him up to me and brought him into a hug.

Jotara: That's great Y/N! I know I never told you this but I love you. I'm never gonna leave you again.

Y/N: Jotara I I love you too!

He pulls me into a kiss a deep kiss. It quickly turned into a make out session and a heated one at that. He turned it into one by groping my ass causing me to moan into the kiss, that's when he stuck his tongue in my mouth and dominated me. It felt like a decade but then we parted.

Y/N: Haha sorry I got excited.

Jotara: No I enjoyed it. But, I'll dominate you next time~

Y/N: I'd like to see you try my sexy star~

After that we went to see the sea animals and had an actual date. We talked a lot I told him about what happened while I was gone and he did the same. Thankfully that whore didn't steal his virginity, I'm gonna take his and he's gonna take mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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