Chapter Sixty-One

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There's a certain dangerous calm—loving someone in the middle of a war. The person you love the most is physically standing in front of you, you can hear their heartbeat, feel their warmth — and it could be ripped out of your hands at any moment. 

I loved sitting here beside Harry and Ron, knowing he was alive and safe, content just staring at the fire – holding my hand. I loved that I knew he was safe, and yet I somehow missed that eery loneliness of the unknowing. I missed just feeling that he was okay, even while I was in Hogwarts and he was wherever they were, I still could feel within my own body that he was okay. 

I would know Voldemort hadn't succeeded, I was there in the creepy dark dining hall beside all the rest of his ignorant, annoying followers. And if anything did happen to him, I wasn't there to see it. And I definitely wasn't there to mess anything up. 

And I fuck shit up a lot

"We should get rid of it soon." Grunted Ron, holding his hands over the fire. 

"I know." Answered Harry. He stood up from the log, pulling me up with him. 

With the sword of Gryffindor in hand, Ron made his way over to where we had laid the locket across a fallen dead tree. Destroying it wasn't as simple as we had originally thought. The locket fought back, it fought against each of our attempts to claim it. We could feel Voldemort's dark essence pulling through, but in the end we succeeded. The sword disappeared from Ron's grasp and Harry fell to the ground. 

"Harry!" I gasped, leaning over him as he clutched his forehead in pain. He moaned and withered, holding onto my arm for support. 

"He knows. He knows we've destroyed it." He grunted out. 

"Good." Said Ron. "Bloody bastard should feel all of it." 

"What do we do now?" I asked, helping Harry stand up from the dirt. "Where's Hermione?" I asked, finally realizing the other part of our group wasn't anywhere nearby. Ron and Harry never went anywhere without her, I don't think they would survive otherwise. 

"She's back at camp." Harry answered, giving the pair of us a reassuring nod. 

It didn't take long for us to pack up our few things that remained at the tiny makeshift encampment, and follow Harry through the woods. 


A small yellow tent sat between two tall trees, a diminished fire surrounded by large rocks. 

"Hermione?" Harry quietly called out, noticing our friend was nowhere to be seen. "Hermione." He called once more.

The tiny brunette came barreling out of the tent not a second later. Her whiskey colored eyes were ablaze as they met the soft blue eyes of Ron. He shrugged and mumbled "Hi," 

"Are you bloody mad?" She growled, stomping over to him. She yanked his bag out of his hands and shoved it against his chest. "I've been sick with worry over you!" 

"I'm sorry Mione, I wasn't thinking when I left." Ron grumbled through her pounding against his chest. She hadn't yet noticed me standing awkwardly beside them, so I decided to help Ron by gently reaching out and grabbing her arm.

"Oh my God." She cried out, "Ali?" 

"It's me." Her arms flew around my neck and she squeezed me so tightly I could barely breathe. It had been over a year since I had seen her. The day I went to the hospital wing for saving Draco, was the last time I actually remember seeing her. She hadn't changed much. Hair as bushy as ever, though longer. And she was thinner. That sad determined look had never left her though.

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