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"let's go have some fun, baby," wooyoung spoke. those words made san's heart flutter as he looked up with a smile. "let's go."

they got into wooyoung's car together and wooyoung drove them to the theme park. wooyoung had one hand on the steering wheel while the other holding san's hand tightly. he wouldn't let it go because he favored the warmth of san's hand.

since it was still early and the theme park wouldn't be opened yet, wooyoung dropped off to grab them breakfast. "i'm gonna fetch us some food to eat. do you wanna stay here or join me?" wooyoung asked after parking his car on the sidewalk.

"i think i'll wait." san answered.

wooyoung nodded and opened his door to get out, letting go of san's hand in advance. san whined quietly at the loss of wooyoung's warm hold after the latter left. he then waited in the car while watching his phone.

"dangit, the line is quite long." wooyoung cursed under his breath as he arrived at one of the known street food stalls. "i hope it will not take long." he waited in line nonetheless. thankfully, the line moved fast as the workers worked skillfully. then, it's his turn to order.

"can you give me four egg potato fried croquette toast?" wooyoung asked.

"alright, in a second." the aunt replied and did what wooyoung ordered. since the croquette toasts were cut into triangles, wooyoung had asked for four of them.

the aunt packed wooyoung's order nicely and handed it to him. "here you go."

wooyoung took it and gave her his payment. "thank you!" he bowed politely at the aunt who smiled kindly at him.

then, wooyoung went to a coffee shop two stores next to the place he bought his food. fortunately, there were no customers at the time. "two iced coffee on the go, please." he ordered and when he looked up, his eyes widened. "hwayoung?"

his ex-girlfriend had the same reaction as well. "oh, hey." the air became awkward for a good minute as both of them were kind of not in a good term before. wooyoung felt like he should say something to break the silence. "i thought your parents don't allow you to work." he said.

hwayoung replied with a chuckle, "yeah, well i don't care anymore. i needed to spend my time outside a lot more now." and thankfully, the awkwardness lessened a bit.

"oh, i see." wooyoung nodded. while hwayoung was making his order, she saw wooyoung's outfit and the food he was holding. "are you on a date or something? you're ordering two drinks." she asked, curious that her ex-boyfriend may have found a replacement already while she had not.

wooyoung thought he should be honest and nodded with a small smile. "yes, i am." he answered. though, he still felt uncomfortable talking about it.

"wow, that girl must've been very lucky to go out with you today. the weather is wonderful, too," hwayoung said sincerely with a smile. she had moved on before, so she should be happy for him. wooyoung froze a bit at her word 'girl' but showed her a smile in return.

"yeah, very lucky indeed."

san had been waiting for a while in the car. he then figured he should get out and join wooyoung. that way, he could also breathe the morning air. he stopped the car engine and grabbed the key and held it in his hand. stepping out of the car, he went to search for wooyoung. san walked to the food stall wooyoung went earlier and inspected the now very long line of customers.

"hmm, no sign of woo." san saw a coffee shop nearby and strode his way there.

wooyoung waited patiently as hwayoung made his orders. the girl put on the lids and poked the straws in each of the large cups of iced coffee. "here are your orders." she said. wooyoung put the cash on the counter then.

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