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the sight of twelve grown men, one being dragged by his collar as he was obviously confused by his surroundings, unfortunately did not surprise the boy's neighbours when they looked outside. in fact, most of them just shrugged it off, knowing the thirteen boys who rented floors seventeen and eighteen were just a little strange.

however, mingyu was beyond confused as to why his friends were all chatting and why did he have to catch a boyfriend? they all, well, dino knew so everyone knew, the only person he was interested in was wonwoo.

that was, until his phone buzzed and he answered it without much thought. "hi?"

"hey, i'm sorry but what part of the park do you want to meet at? i may be a few minutes late."

"um," mingyu managed, hearing wonwoo's small gasps of air on the other end. "well, take your time first, and let's just go to the swing set."

"okay. see you there mingyu."

and now mingyu was even more confused. "seungcheol?"

"what's up?"

"why am i going to the park? and why am i catching a boyfriend?"

"check your text messages." chan chirped, and mingyu opened it to see what seemed to be a text message from him to wonwoo, and he paled.

"what is this?"

"we helped you out!" seokmin said happily. "now you two can kiss kiss fall in love!"

"you have to stop hanging out with joshie, you're making too many anime references," woozi groaned as he had a hyperactive hoshi cling to him. somehow, when hoshi had seen that they were putting this "plan" into action, he got them there in no time to witness it.

"there's never enough," joshua laughed, casually holding seokmin's hand and looking at him with a smile.

honestly, he'd have to be blind not to know seokmin was crushing on him, but he thought seokmin was pretty cute too. he just didn't want to randomly confess and feel pressure to start dating him, and have their friendship ruined.

"anyways, are you all coming along?" mingyu asked, feeling nerves bubble inside of him as he realised one, his friends had confessed to his crush for him, and two, he had to go confess to his crush now. probably a lot worse than his friends did, but he did have to now.

"ye -"

"no, we aren't," seungcheol cut off jeonghan, making jeonghan pout.

"but my dear husband -"

"we're not married."

"not yet!"

"why would we be? it's not like you're in love with me."

"oh you have a shit storm coming cheol."

"we're here!" seungkwan claimed, and mingyu sighed as they pushed him forwards and towards the playground, which was empty due to the fact it was freezing out.

as mingyu made his way to the swing set, he looked up to see the sky was a mix of blue and grey, kind of sad but also cheerful.

he didn't even realise someone was sitting next to him until wonwoo gave him a hand warmer. "oh."

"lost in thought again?" wonwoo asked, and mingyu nodded. just like that, silence stretched over them again, thick enough to cut with a butcher knife.

to his surprise, wonwoo talked first.

"i'm sorry for making things awkward. obviously there was a mind-to-mouth disconnect."

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