Lavitz's Trial

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The group continued farther into the dragons nest avoiding more spider web like structures that marred the walls and floors of the tunnels until they reached a room flooded with natural light in which they spotted a odd sight not the dragon they were searching for but a man dressed in green armor with a red cape and a spear in hand.
"Who is this, who dares enter my domain?" spoke the man.
"You call this your domain it is the nest of the dragon." said Zigfried sternly.
"Wait is that you Lavitz? It's so ironic to find you venturing here." spoke the man once again his eyes firmly focused on Lavitz.
"No way... you are Greham." said Lavitz shocked.
"Do you know him?" asked Dart.
"I'll never forget him he was head of the second Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil that is until he killed my father, ever since I've been awaiting my chance at revenge, Greham you killed my father prepare to die!" yelled Lavitz rage fuelling his voice.
"Are you still carrying that grudge after more than a dozen years of my betrayal of your father?" asked Greham flippantly.
"Man is this guy serious you don't just get over something like that." said Bist equally flippantly.
"Agreed." whispered Zigfried.
"You didn't just betray my father you betrayed the kingdom you swore to protect." said Lavitz his feet bolted to the floor awaiting Greham to make the first move.
"Is that the wrath of a patriotic knight or a man full of vengeance?" asked Greham his face lacking emotion.
"Both, now enough talk I shall avenge my father who trusted you and died in vain." said Lavitz growing tired of the stalemate that they had entered.
"Oh really now you think you can take me on I suppose it's time I introduced you to my new power, the power of the dragon!" said Greham pulling out a small green stone and transforming into a Dragoon.
"He's a Dragoon?" asked Shana.
"It shouldn't be that surprising." started Zigfried.
"After all only a Dragoon can manipulate dragons." finished Rose.
"Feyrbrand emerge!" yelled Greham as he called out with his mind to the dragon hiding within the tunnels.
The ground quaked as the dragon appeared from the tunnels behind them.
"Obtaining that power is no easy task where did you get it?" asked Rose.
"I am amazed that someone else knows about this power fine I suppose there is no harm in letting you know as this place shall be your tomb, his Majesty Doel got all his knowledge and power from Emperor Diaz." said Greham his spear at the ready.
"Is this some kind of dream Emperor Diaz died 11000 years ago with the name the Holy Imperial Gloriano." said Rose while giving Zigfried a blank stare which Zigfried returned with a look that said first I've heard of this.
"If this is a dream I am about to turn it into a nightmare." said Greham.
"You three handle Greham, we will take care of Feyrbrand." said Zigfried.
The fight quickly ensued the two dragoons and Lavitz going after Greham while Zigfried and the others attacked Feyrbrand.
"Keep it distracted." said Zigfried pointing at Feyrbrand's head as he approached the back of the praying mantis looking dragon with movement so swift that nobody could keep track of him he mounted and climbed onto the beast's back causing Feyrbrand to expose it's wings and try to fly, within the confined space of the cave, in a desperate attempt to knock Zigfried off but he held strong and summoned the full power of the magic within his sword and sliced Feyrbrand's wing clean off, the sudden loss of it's wing caused Feyrbrand to slam hard into the cave wall knocking loose a stalactite that fell and pierced the mighty scales of the dragon. Feyrbrand unleashed an ungodly howl of pain stunning everyone who heard it aside from Zigfried who had been prepared and he approached the dying form of the once great dragon and listened closely to the strange noise emitted from the dragon's mouth.
"I understand your wish oh great dragon Mayfil is a hell scape to be sure and although I cannot guarantee that you won't end up there I can at least try to help." said Zigfried as he readied his sword and plunged it into Feyrbrand's eye and then stuck his hand in and removed a dark green gem from within and Zigfried whispered a word into it in some unknown language.
Before anyone could even realize what Zigfried had done another scream echoed in the cave as Lavitz pierced Greham with his own spear.
Greham stumbled backwards and fell against the cave wall.
"Lavitz you have Servi's strength, my efforts to defeat you were to no avail, I even used betrayal to obtain more power even that was not enough." said Greham weakly.
"I still do not understand why did you do it you were a good man, my father's best friend." said Lavitz sternly.
"No one could ever hope to best your father, only once during sparring I would have enjoyed to have knocked him down, but no he was always stronger, I admired him beyond all else but as the years went on it turned into this feeling, not jealousy but fear, fear of realizing my own limitations, I cursed myself for being weak for so long." stated Greham with a weak smile forming.
"You couldn't overcome this fear by merely defecting to Doel, you had to kill my father as well." said Lavitz angrily.
"Yes with the promise of a new power to be gained from my actions, how could I refuse my chance at becoming equal to, or even greater than your father ever was, that power was the Dragoon spirit Emperor Doel gave me, Lavitz live strong, now... I can go... to be with Servi..." coughed out Greham as the life faded from his eyes.
"He is lucky to be dead now, greed for power eventually conquers you and only generates sorrow, he should've known that already." said Rose bluntly.
"What?" exclaimed Lavitz as Greham's Dragoon spirit started to hover in front of him.
"Such a coincidence it can't be or is it fate." said Rose.
"A surprise to be sure but a welcome one." said Zigfried smiling.
"Are you saying that Lavitz is a Dragoon as well?" asked Dart.
"Indeed the Dragoon spirit of the Jade Dragon recognizes you, Lavitz, as it's next master." said Rose.
"I am a Dragoon, I deserve to rule dragons?" said Lavitz questioningly.
"Not only do you deserve to rule dragons but you have an obligation to accept your fate don't you?" asked Rose flippantly
"It's what Greham left for me, I understand this obligation placed on my shoulders and I accept it the power of a Dragoon I shall use this power for justice." spoke Lavitz with a prideful smile.
"Justice huh." spoke Rose in an inaudible whisper.
"I have seen others fall who have said the same." whispered Zigfried to himself.
"He gets a Dragoon spirit and suddenly he thinks himself greater, pah, though I can't say I wouldn't be the same." whispered Bist.
"Good for you Lavitz." said Shana her voice sounding very raspy.
"Shana are you alright?" asked Dart.
"I can't... breathe." spoke Shana her voice barely a whisper.
"The dragon's toxin she must inhaled to much of it." said Zigfried worry in his eyes.
"We cannot make it back through Villude carrying her, we must go to Lohan." said Lavitz.
"Lohan the merchant town?" asked Dart.
"I've heard of a great doctor who lives there." said Lavitz.
"I also have old friends there that will surely help us." said Zigfried.
"Let's hurry!" yelled Dart.
Dart picked up Shana and started running for the cave exit followed by everyone else except Bist who stayed rooted to the floor quivering.
"Bist what's wrong?" asked Zigfried being the only one to notice the young man's inaction.
"I can't go back to Lohan there is a bounty on my head there, Dabas told me." said Bist.
"Bist you just helped slay a dragon and whatever happens I will protect you now come on let's catch up before they notice us gone." said Zigfried sternly as he downed his yellow potion and winced clearly hiding his pain for everyone else's sake.

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