Chpater 9: Wanted for pleasure?

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TW: strong language

"So you're telling me, you want my hoodie THAT badly y/n?" Gojou said while his voice became more croaky.

To no surprise, he emits his overwhelming terrifying aura. The mood just became more uncomfortable as his vile smirk simultaneously grew. In times like this, I would have little to no time to think about my response.

Hold on a minute.

Think about my response?

Now that I think about it, I have always reacted to gojo's actions with my instincts.

I never think about the words I use.

Or my actions towards him.


The votes were counted and its 195:120

Which vote won?

Drum roll, please...

195 goes to...

Option 1: give in (aka confess)

(Back to the story)

"Let me rephrase what I'm trying to say. Have you caught feelings for me?"

Have i...

caught feelings for him?!

The thought of that brought me chills.

I looked up to him, still kneeling from crying.

should I confess my feelings?

After all, every time I think about him, I get a ticklish feeling in my stomach that could never go away.

This should be easy.


I take that back.

Confessing my love for gojo was harder than I thought.

"Spit it out y/n!"

The tone he used to say made me more terrified about the outcome of this situation.

Is he mad?

"I-I- li- I-" I felt a lump in my throat.

Why am I so hesitant about this? Is it because I'm scared that he would reject me?

But he clearly likes me...

"If you're not gonna spit it out THIS INSTANT, I'm leaving you here-" Gojou said as he crossed his arms and look away.

Acting like a child again.

"I like you!" Those words slipped out of my mouth. Am I that desperate?

"Please, d-don't leave me.." I felt my heart skipped a beat. The atmosphere that we created completely changed. Did I do something wrong?

Gojo froze. He leered at me. As if I could feel his uneasiness, he cleared his throat.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Please don't leave me, even if you don't like me back,"

"I really mean it, gojo."

I wanted to tell him that, but it's as if my mouth has been zipped shut for a reason.

"Haha... HAHAHA!"

Why. Why are you laughing at a time like this?

"You're finally on your knees, begging for me! So your weakness was me all along? Might as well make good use of myself..." Gojo let out a devilish laugh. I could feel the corruption in his words.

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