5 - Pictures (edited)

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okaaay so this chapter has been edited too, enjoy :)



5 - Pictures

Luke Waters


My eyes opened the next morning of their own accord. My dreams had been colourful, psychedelic to the point that I thought I was on LSD, till I woke up.

 This bed is very warm.

I was on my side, and there was something snuggled to my chest –

 A girl.

 It took me a moment to register that I was awake, that the colours in front of my eyes were fading, replaced by the backlit curtains and the dull white of the wall in front of me, the blue-and-yellow cotton of the quilt pulled to my chest. And then it took me another moment to register that there was a mass of curly dark hair under my chin, tickling it softly, my legs tangled with a pair of smooth, slender ones.

 Before I could blink or react to the situation in any way, Maya moved.


I blinked, trying to make sense of the situation through my hazy sleepiness.


 “Luke,” she said again, only this time it was more like a groan. She shifted around a bit. I still couldn’t tell if she was facing me or facing away. Her feet were hooked with mine firmly.

 “What, Maya?” I asked rather stupidly.

 “Luke, why am I in your bed?” She was mumbling.

 Then I remembered, in a sudden burst of clarity.

 “You fell asleep here last night,” I informed her.

 She moved again, and then rolled over, pulling her legs from mine. To my surprise, she curled up into a ball, still pressed against my chest, her nose digging into my skin, and fell back asleep.

 I was wide awake. It was a Sunday morning. According to the clock on my wall it was a few minutes past ten ‘o’ clock. I had no clue when the Sumedhs got out of bed and I most definitely did not want to be caught cuddling with their daughter in my bed on my first morning there.

 As much I was enjoying the proximity (too much, in fact), we needed to move. Judging from the absolute silence outside my door I guessed that everyone in the house was still asleep.

 I shuffled away from Maya slowly, but then her arm shot out, and I gasped when she pulled me back down, and proceeded to bury her face deeper in my chest. I enjoyed the feeling for a few seconds before I remembered the ramifications again.

“Maya,” I mumbled, getting up on one elbow. “Maya, wake up.”

 She made a garbled noise in the back of her throat that sounded vaguely like fuck off. I chuckled.

 “Okay, come on.”

 I slid my arms under her body, curling my elbows under her waist. She was limp. Her glasses slid off her head, landing on my bed.

 I lifted her up – she was very light. Her head tipped back, and I tried (and failed) not to notice how low the neck of her camisole top was (not that I tried too hard).

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