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He quickened his pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky. Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold color of the sun the the sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards anyone who looked up at the sky. People ran for cover and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and he could hear the murmuring of the rain. As he continued walking, he willingly allowed the sprinkling droplets to envelop his entire body. His shoes were soon soaked; with each step he took, he felt a puddle of water move beneath his feet. The rain hurled itself violently on the dark, slippery pavement. His hair was dripping with ice-cold raindrops which plummet to the earth with every movement he made. But he wasn't the one to complain, the rain was his only savior be that in winter or summer rain was always his personal shade of comfort.

 The numbing effect of the icy downpour finally settling in. Fierce thunder clouds snuck into the murderous sky and flashing lightning strikes begin. The rain fell faster and heavier. His feet moved quickly as he run down the road to reach the underground subway on time. He was late again and this time excuses weren't going to save his ass. He needed to reach their fast before his boss kicks him out.

 On reaching the entrance to the subway, he could already feel the chaos burning in their. People pushing, bumping, running this wasn't something his highness was fond of. He was a travel photographer  that too a production and sampler coordinator, he wasn't used to travelling in local metor's or subways but he messed up good last week by running into a pole on his way home and alas for the next 2 weeks he was supposed to use the local transport. 1 week down 1 more to go.

Great white pillars guarding the entrance to the subway welcomed him which held hand crafted iron gates, that have been there since the place has been built, now rusting under the attack from rain. Chaotic noises filled the inside: the quick paced footsteps of travelers searching for their train or train times and the frantic voice of the tannoy alerting people where to go was suffocating him but no one told him to get drunk drive home. Ammoungst the myriad of confused people, As the train arrived the sound of thumping feet got louder as more People came down the stairs. But that wasn't his concern, his concern was to go go pass through these people and reach his compartment on time.

He was making his was silently through the hustle bustle of the chaos when suddenly he felt as if he was being squeezed and right to his thoughts hundreds of people surrounded him making their way to the metro. WTF London was never this wild what is wrong with these people today. Without any further ado he started to move towards his compartment when suddenly he felt a tug at his shirt looking aside he saw a girl searching for something  on the cold blue tiled floor amidst the crowd. Something shifted inside him he had no idea what but something shifted. He was about to mind his own business and go when suddenly a wave of curiosity swept over him urging him to take a look at the unknown girl. Thus he followed his heart and tried to take a look at the girl, but if he knew that this women was going to be the cause of his insomnia he would've never spared her a glance.

 Locks of chestnut-brown hair curtained her oval face. Her beautiful face demanded attention. Its high cheekbones calling eyes to the statuesque bone structure underlying its gentleness. She was graced with a look that could be that of royalty. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. Her tight, rose colored lips were pursed in what appeared to be mid-kiss. The slight hint of moisture on her lips made them glisten in the light, causing them to look as though they were really a reflection on the waters of a pond and not really a part of her at all. They seemed  to call out to him, beckoning him to lean in and press his lips against hers. She had languorous eyelashes of feather-black atop her emerald eyes. Her emerald green eyes glancing stared  as though to pierce his very soul and derive his thoughts and feelings. He could see the different shades of green that streaked  through her eyes, making them appear to be alive just as fire does when it moves and flickers. 

In the crowd ( Prompt 6) by HodophileeeeeWhere stories live. Discover now