Chapter 1 - Promoted #Wattys2016

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  • Dedicated to Crystal Westrate

Sapphire Blitz was just like any other girl her age. Twenty one, strong, independant, and a security guard for one of the biggest corporations this country has yet to see. Okay, so maybe she wasn't exactly like any other girl. Where most girls are going out, partying and getting drunk, Sapphire stays at her job site. Where others are painting nails, or doing make-up, she's making yet another arrest on some stupid kid thinking he's pulled a fast one on her. Sapphire isn't the kind to lay back and take orders. She'd much rather be giving them. In fact, thats where it all started. On the day of her big promotion.

Now, Sapphire knew in the back of her mind that she wasn't in any sort of trouble as she was paged to Mr. Silverfang's office. But she couldn't help worrying just a tiny bit. And as she walked through the parking lot, boarded the elevator, and waited until the cramped coach reached the top floor, her anxiety grew. The lady at the front desk was on some sort of headset, and waved Sapphire to go right in. The doors to Mr. Silverfang's office were huge double doors made of sweet smelling oak and adorned with various carvings of wolves and other intricate designs. She took a moment to admire the craftsmanship before the desk lady coughed impatiently.

"You can go right in, Miss Blitz. Don't keep Sebastian waiting." Sebastian. So that was the big kahuna's name. She thought briefly to herself before knocking.

"Come in." His voice was calm and collected, with just a slight hint of amusement. "Ah hello Miss Blitz. How are you?"

"I'm quite well, Mr. Silverfang. Yourself?" she asked tentatively, nearly tripping over her own two feet as she attempted to walk to the front of his desk.

"Thats great to hear. Do you know why you are here, Miss Blitz?" he asked now, his tone changing to a serious note while his chiselled faced remained locked in a smirk. Was he... laughing at me?

"I think so sir. But I don't want to jump the gun and toot my own horn." she attempted to ease the tension with a rather lame joke. Slowly her laughter died as his smirk disappeared. "Was it something I said?"

"Yes and no." he stated, getting up from his chair and waltzing across the tiled floor to one of his three spacious windows. It seemed like hours before he turned to her, his blue eyes dark with silver. "Never underestimate yourself, Miss Blitz. You are a fine woman and one of the best security I've hired in a very long time." his gaze bore into hers, making her feel like a small child again, being scolded for rudeness. "That is why, I have decided to make you chief of security here."

"Me? But I've only been here a year or so." she began to rebute his praise, but his booming voice startled her into submission.

"What did I just say, Miss Blitz? Never underestimate yourself!" he shouted, then he shut his eyes and took a sharp breath in. "Now go. Lucile will give you your new badge, uniform, and paycheck." He turned away and resumed his gaze over the city. As Sapphire left, she took one last glance back at his reflection. She sucked in a gasp, and hurried out the door where she found Lucile waiting. She had taken off the ghastly headset and was now warm as ever with her congratulatory grin as she handed her the promised equipment.

"Mr. Silverfang must be very impressed with your performance, Miss Blitz." Oh. We were back to Mr. Silverfang now. Whatever happened to Sebastian? And what was with his eyes?

These questions plagued her mind all the way home. His eyes were the main focus of her clouded mind. What had happened to the harsh blue? A moment before he got angry, his eyes were a sharp, and rather dashing blue. But after... They had become a warm, yet oddly cold, golden brown with a lighter honey ring around the iris. Just like a... No. Just no. Let it go, Sapphire. It was just a reflection. But she couldn't let it go.

Sapphire got the uniform out of her car and took it up to her apartment. Only to discover the door was slightly open. Going into security mode, she grabbed for her flashlight and slowly opened it the rest of the way. Hearing a scrambling noise she snatched her tazer and put the voltage on low. Not enough to harm a person, but enough to drop them to the floor. Quietly she drops her uniform at the doorway and inches into the livingroom. The tv is on, but no one is on the couch. She makes her way into the kitchen and slams on the light. A figure drops their bottle of beer and the glass shatters everywhere.

"Geezus Saph! You scared me half to death!" her friend Jared shouted as he saw who she was. He looked down at the still lit tazer. "Holy hell! Were you gonna taze me?"

"You bet your damn ass I was! And I've still a mind to! What the hell are you doing here? And how the hell did you get in?" she was fuming, her hand tightening on the tazer.

"Whoa now! Just, turn that thing off!" he pointed at the tazer and trembled. Sapphire wasn't one to mess with, but he really couldn't help it. "I was returning your key for you. From when I watched..." he gulped, "Killer."

Killer was Sapphire's cat, and when it came to anyone else, he was dreadful. Jared was the only one stupid enough to agree to watch him. Why, she had yet to find out. But he did. And each time, he came out with some sort of rip. Be it in his clothes or his skin, it wasn't really a pattern. It was simply Killer, making sure Jared knew just how much he disliked him. To which, Jared never really got the idea. Speaking of Killer, Sapphire found her black tie cat curled up on the couch, and all the pillows and blankets on the floor. She stifled a laugh as she sat down to pet the creature. Killer popped his head up momentarily but settled down into a low purr when he saw it was her.

"Did he get fed?" Sapphire asked, cuddling the furball.

Jared looked at her in disgust. "Yes. Yes he did. A scoop and a half of his dry food, dressed with a little blood." he grinned, starting to clean up his mess of alcohol.

"Good. I'm tired. I'm gonna go take a quick shower and hit the hay. Lock up when you're done. Night, Jared." she gathered Killer and her uniform up in her arms and left for her bedroom with a giant yawn.

"Night Saph."

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