Chapter 3- More Than You Know #Wattys2016

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"Dear Miss Sapphire Blitz...." he spoke coolly and she could feel herself shrinking away from his devilish grin. "I know more about you than you know."

"But... How?" her voice was a hoarse whisper as her eyes stared wildly at the man before her. "Did you...." she gulped, afraid of the answer, "Did you stalk me?"

"Stalk? My dear girl, I have your file. You work for me, remember?" he flashed another smile at her, and she couldn't help but notice the pure whites of his perfect teeth. 'Oh yeah..... Stupid me!' She scolded herself for even thinking that she was important enough for this billionaire to purposely dig up her secrets. "So, tell me what happened between yesterday and now. Why are you so jumpy?"

"Jumpy?" That wasn't the word she would have used. But it did seem to fit her current state. "Jared. He uh...." she took a deep breath and sighed, spilling it all. "He sneaked into bed with me last night." She instantly regretted telling him the truth. He turned away from her and balled his fists up so tight that they turned as white as his teeth. She could still see his face somewhat, and gasped as once again, his blue eyes turned a rich gold. For a moment she thought he hadn't heard. But then he turned around to face her.

"Are you afraid?" He asked, and Sapphire wasn't entirely sure what to say or what to do. "Are you afraid?" He repeated, this time more commanding.

"I was told not to lie to you. So yes, I am, a little. I think. To be honest, I'm not quite sure." She looked deeper into his eyes and saw a slight pain stem from her words.

"Then go. If I frighten you, and you do not wish to have answers, you are free to go. But," he stopped, and met her eyes as well. "If you find me intriguing, and wish to know more, you will agree to come away with me."

"Your eyes have haunted my very deepest dreams. I want to know, but then again, I don't." Sapphire looked like she had just smacked a dog and felt very bad.

"Come on a date with me. Let us get to know one another. Well, you get to know me. For as I said before, I know more about you than you know yourself." He held out a hand and smiled the softest smile he had given all week. "I have had my eyes on you for quite awhile."

Sapphire felt the lump in her throat grow bigger, and for the last few minutes before she left his office, all she could do was nod. She hoped her eyes had conveyed the thoughts she could not say. Why was he, a successful, rich, handsome young man so interested in her? She was a simple security guard. Working 15 hours a day, 5 days a week. What could he have possibly seen in her? She drove home quietly, as instructed by Sebastian. All the while her mind reeled from the thought that they were going to rendezvous later. What was she going to wear? What was Jared going to think? 'No! Don't give him a choice! He has no say in the matter!' And yet, she knew he would.


"Jared, I'm going to be going on a date tonight. Make sure Killer is taken care of." she shouted, walking through the door.

"A date?" His voice held a sharp note of surprise and a little pain. "Wait. What about this morning?" She turned to face him and instantly regretted it.

"What about it?" Her own voice was sharp as well, though not with simple surprise. It was more of a challenge. She was daring him to try to talk her out of it.

"Never mind." He sighed, turning back to his t.v. show. He wouldn't bring it up and have his fantasy crushed. She had won this round.

Sapphire scrambled into her room and quickly showered, setting out her best dress beforehand. Once she was clean, she dismissed the dress with disdain before dressing in plain sweats and a tank top. Her keys jingled in her hand as she bounced through the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. Then she quickly pecked Jared on the cheek and left for the store.

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