part 4: 六

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He hadn't heard from her in quite a number of days.

Whenever they coincidently saw each other when leaving or entering their houses, they would immediately avoid eye contact and hurry to do their business.

Jisu couldn't take it. "What did you do?" She demanded one afternoon after the sixth consecutive day of Chaeryeong missing her daily cafe trip.

Taehyun bit his tongue, not really excited to revisit the memory. "Well, a lot happened between us, and-"

Jisu looked so ready to slap him on both cheeks, and huffed, "Well I don't care, if it's your fault suck it up and apologise."

Giving a defeated sigh, Taehyun was about to retort before an online order came through, a receipt coughed out from the little machine. Jisu plucked it out and looked through it, before declaring that since it was a delivery, Taehyun was to do it.

Since his refusal fell to deaf ears, Taehyun swallowed his curse words and made the order anyways, and Jisu cheerfully ushered him out.

The address was within walking distance, which puzzled Taehyun as to why they needed a delivery. Nevertheless, Taehyun made his way to the house. As he rang the doorbell, he quickly scanned through the drinks. A hot chocolate, a mocha, an iced coffee and...a cashew milk coffee.

To much of his surprise, the person who answered the door was none other than Do San.

"Oh, hey," The boy greeted, "You're Chaeyoung's friend, aren't you?"

"Chaeryeong," Taehyun corrected once again, "But yeah."

Do San's face spread into a wide grin, "Why don't you come in? Chaeryeong's in the living room too."

Despite his profuse excuses of "it's alright I need to get going", Taehyun was dragged in, against his will.

Chaeryeong was surprised to see him, to say the least.

She looked a little miffed and almost afraid as if worried that one wrong word would make him mad again.

Do San had introduced him to his parents, inviting him to take a seat, before he started to hand out the drinks. The hot chocolate went to his little sister, his parents took the mocha, and Do San himself took the iced coffee...leaving the cashew drink top Chaeryeong.

Completely unaware, the girl grateful accepted the drink, and was about to take a sip before Taehyun quickly interrupted, "She can't take cashews."

Everyone immediately froze. Do San in horror, and Chaeryeong in shock.

"But...I thought you knew," Chaeryeong whispered, feather-soft.

"I-I," Do San stammered. But Chaeryeong cut off, "I told you I was allergic to cashews. How could you-"

"I'm sorry!" Do San burst out, "But I don't remember. Because I don't remember you."

Chaeryeong was stunned beyond words before she composed herself, and with a quiet greeting, she grabbed her things and left the house.

"Well...nice knowing you," Taehyun awkwardly managed, before he ran after the girl.

But when he got out of the house, she was nowhere to be seen.

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