[4] Trustworthy ?

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Autumn's P.O.V.

We all watched closely as Mr. Williams pulled Ms. Nicole out of Sam's embrace and back into his. Now I understood where Dom got it from. Like his son, Mr. Williams could be very territorial over what was his. An any man he thought was coming between, that was a dead man. I could see that from the death glare he was giving Sam. We watched as Ms. Nicole turned towards her husband, giving him a very nasty look but yet not challenging him. He wasn't fazed by her mug at all. He just wanted answers, and he wanted them now. Admittedly he broke his eye contact with his wife and was now giving it all to Sam.

"How do you know my wife?" Mr. Williams blurted out, looking Sam up in down.

"He used to be my." Ms. Nicole screeched out but was stopped when Mr. Williams held up his hand, silencing her.

The lifestyle Mr. Williams lived had him alert at all times. So, I understood the reason he was acting the way he was. When Dom told me his family was apart of the mafia. My mouth damn near dropped to the floor. I knew nothing good came from the mafia but death, jail, and enemies. A target was always on your back, especially when you least expected it. Letting your guard down was signing your death wish, and Mr. Williams knew that. Ms. Nicole was sweet and saw the good in people. But Mr. Williams, on the other hand, was a people watcher. A quality he also passed down to his son. He tried to pick a person apart before they could even utter a word. He listened to their speech, relationship interactions, body language, expressions, clothing, mannerism, and posture. He had too because he knew the lifestyle he lived came with undercover enemies sent to get at him but had no problem destroying his loved ones in the process. Right now, he was determining if Sam could be that possible threat.

"She used to be." He said, finally speaking up but stopping to look around at everybody.

He was nervous, I could tell. I hadn't known Sam for long, but I could tell he was a timid yet outspoken person. He never tried to be the center of attention, but he wasn't afraid to become that if he had a question or concern. To me, Dom and him were similar even though they would never admit it.

Sam was family-oriented, just like Dom. Reason's why when it comes to Lauren and Allie, he has no problems acting a fool. He wanted to know Allie was protected and if he had to lay his life on the line to do so. I could see him doing it with no hesitation, and Dom would be standing right beside him. Sam also spoke what was on his mind, just like my baby. I've watched people coward around Dom, scared to walk in his presence but not Sam. Fear was something I never got from him. He was a people watcher as well, and I could tell he was doing precisely that as he looked around at everybody, trying to read them like we were trying to read him.

"Well." Little Ciara yelled out, causing Allie to give her a hard nudge and Tasha a look. She quickly squeaked out a sorry. While we waited on Sam to let the words fall from his mouth. He brought his attention back to Ms. Nicole and looked at her for a minute before speaking. A small smile formed across his face. I'm sure he was reliving a moment in his mind. He and Ms. Nicole only knew about it. We watched as she smiled back. I had seen Sam smile only when around family. So, I knew the connection he had with Ms. Nicole was equivalent to that.

"She was my teacher." He said, finally letting it be known the relationship they shared. I knew this had to be true because Dom mentioned to me before she was a school teacher.

"6th, 7th, and 8th-grade year." She smiled back. "He was a smart, shy little thing, but boy did he love to fight." She said, turning her attention to Karen and Kelly. Who chuckled at her statement

"Yeah, I can hear Dean's voice now. Kelly, your nephews fighting again. You're going to have to go get him this time." Kelly said in her best male voice. It was now Allie and Ciara's time to laugh.

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