2. Breakfast

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Ugghhhhhhh. It too early for this shit.

I slam my hand down on my phone to stormy alarm. 5:30am. The only reason I have to up so damn early is becuase I need to have breakfast done by the time everyone else is up. Maybe I'll get to meet more people today. Hopefully they are nice this time.

I dress myself in the suits they gave me last night. Now I actually feel like I'm a part of the team. If only they new. I feel my hands pulsate and I take a deep breath in and out. My hands warm up. I can feel blood rush threw my veins. I can hear my heart beat pound in my chest. I know what I'm capable off. I could tear this building apart if I wanted to. A spark alights on my palm. Mind stone engery runs threw me and to the spark and the room slowly get brighter. If only they new. I close my fist and the room becomes dark again. Maybe I'll just turn the light on this time. I get my shoes on and head out the door for my first day. Damn I'm really a lunch lady for the avengers team.

At breakfast...

3 different types of eggs. Bacon. 2 kinds of tast. Pancakes. Waffles. Hashbrowns. And of course juice and water. That's no biggy right? The smells of food attract people into the kitchen area. Mostly just normal agents from the control room come in first. Why are they taking the protein bars and fruit from the prepared food cabinet? Don't they see I made them breakfast? More people tremble in. They either sit down or just talk to the other people.

"Something smells like bacon!" A tall burly man hops in the kitchen where he can see my mound of bacon I've made. Thor. Of course I know him. Well, know of him. "Thanks." He doesnt even look at me. He takes the plate and walks away.

"Hey those are for everyone!" I yell to him. He stops and turns, finally noticing me for real. "I made those for everyone."

He starts walking towards me and slams the plate down almost knocking off every piece of bacon on it. "Who even are you?" He glares at me.

"I'm the girl preparing breakfast for everyone. EVERYONE." I glare at him back. He looks surprised at me.

"Well seems to me, no one is even touching your food." His voice is very low and demanding. He smirks and the amount if food I places on tbw counter as well its untouched. I dont know what to say. People are looking at us. And he is right. No one is touching my food.

"Fine. Take the whole damn plate of bacon. Take everything if you want it. I guess no one cares around here right?" I slam my towel down and storm out of the room. I run into 2 men walking in the hallway. I say excuse me and push my way threw them. I dont wanna talk to anyone at the moment. I can hear one of them mumble. "Who is she?" "Maid I think."

Maid. I'm a fucking maid. Elissa calm down. Calm. Down.

I run around the building until I can see a room named training. I walk in ready to blow my fuse but I see 2 people boxing together. Captain Rogers and what I'm only assuming is Bucky Barns. I stop and breath out my anger behind on of the pillars that holds up the room. The boxing stops and I can hear them walking towards me. I panic trying to calm myself down before they have any suspicions.

"Uh excuse me? Your not supposed to be in here." I get up and turn to the 2 men looking at me. I'm clearly in a panic attack and Captain Rogers rolls his eyes.

"Come on steve. Something is obviously wrong." Bucky points to the red on my face. I press my lips together unable to speak. I just shake my head no and start walking towards the door.

"Who cares? She is just the maid."

"Excuse me?" I turn around furious. Steve has his back to me as he walks away to his bag in the corner of the room. "I'm not a maid."

"Then what are you doing here? Do you have powers or something?" Bucky crosses his arms. I thought he was the nice one.

"Whatever. Breakfast is upstairs if anyone wants it. Except the bacon. Thor took all that." I turn around again to storm out.

"You know thor?" Steve tells. Hes finally looking at me. What a strange feeling seeing him actually acknowledge me.

"Barely." I leave in a hurry and run to find my room. This day just started. Why tf is it so hard for people to see me? Maybe if they see my powers they will actually talk to me. So I have to have powers to be a part of this building? Cap doesnt have powers. He was just a lab rat that was smart enough to finish the maze. I need to find my own training room.

While everyone was either outside training or on a mission I decided to look around for a room to work. I end up finding a big open area with a couple punching bags hung up. It will do for now.

I start throwing punches. Hard punches that start to bruise my hand. All of my power at the moment is going into every punch. Roundhouse kick start coming out of me and I end up kicking the punching bag off the hook and it slides away. I look at my hands which are bleeding at my knuckles. Great. Now how am I gunna cover this up.

"I didnt know you could fight?" Mr. Stark moved around the punching bag on the floor. He seemed impressed but I was too angry to care.

"I'm not a maid." I growled at him. Hopefully he gets the hint that I dont wanna be around anyone.

"Your not one. Theres a reason why I brought you here. And it wasnt to cook." He stops and looks at me. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"It wasnt?"

"No. I looked at your family history. Parents divorced when you where young. You ended up fending for yourself and your younger sister." The stopped for a minute. I winced at the memory of my sister being brought up. She was so young when she died. "I wanted to personally say I'm sorry about your sister. We can't save everyone."

My sister Jo died when she was 4. I was 17 at the time. Our parents either bailed or just hasnt been there for us. So I took my sister to New York. It was great being my own responsibility. I decided to take care of Jo on my own like a mother, sinse I had to be. But we were there at the wrong time. When the attack lm New York happened, Jo and I were walking along the street to go to a cafe right around the corner. Then all of the sudden we were both covered in smoke and ash. I heard horrible screams. One of them being my sisters. Something had crashed into the building next to us and peices had been falling all around. I grabbed jo and ran. A bomb had gone off infront of us and I blocked jo from the fire. More bombs started going off. Something had thrown me and jo across the street separating us. I remember waking up to silence. No more shooting. No more screams. I remember looking for jo and finding her lifeless. I felt so broken. I still do.

"I'm not looking for an apology." I walk past him and pick up the bag. I fission it back on the hook.

"I know something changed sense that day. In your blood. Am I right?" He knows what I am. I pause thinking of whether I should tell him. "I think we should tell everyone. Because you could be a good use to the team." He sighs then back away towards the door. I'm too shocked to say anything at the moment. Should I tell everyone?

"Mr. Stark!" I see him turn around. "Not yet. Give me time to adjust." I nod to him and he nods back.

"Breakfast was good kid." He smiled then left the room leaving me shocked once again. Why was he being nice to me now? I wonder who else knows about my powers.

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