It's You

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160619 - SBS Inkigayo

When Taehyung first met Jung Wheein, his soulmate bracelet broke.

He still remembered it was June 19th, 2016 and they were special MCs for Inkigayo broadcast. Usually he wouldn't be the one to open the door but that day somehow he was standing right there when someone knocked on it. So he twisted the knob, and it revealed Jung Wheein of Mamamoo.

She smiled sheepishly and bowed to him. He was so dumbfounded just by the sight of her that he didn't even realize his bracelet had broken and fallen to the ground. Not until she picked it up after bowing and gave it to him saying: "Excuse me, I think you just dropped this."

His grandma had gotten that soulmate bracelet for him from a famous pagoda and told him: "It will only break if you come face to face with your soulmate. That way you will know it is them. That person is definitely your the one."

So when his bracelet broke, Taehyung was determined that Jung Wheein was his one and only soulmate.

Unfortunately, Wheein didn't think so. To her, the whole idea of soulmates was ridiculous. You met someone for the first time ever but you already felt a connection, and then you would live happily ever after with them and nothing could break you two apart? Life was full of temptation and distraction, there was no way two people could stay faithful until death did them apart. That was what she had always thought.

So when Kim Taehyung of BTS came to her and said that "I know this sound crazy but my soulmate bracelet broke right when you showed up in front of me. You must be my soulmate, Wheein-ssi", her eyes almost popped out of her head in shock and the only reply she could utter at that time was "Okay, you're right about that. You do sound crazy."

And Wheein was determined that she would spend the rest of her life continuing to not believe in soulmate and whatnot.

160625 - KCON NY

11 days later, they met again at KCON.

She thought that her petite figure would help when she was trying to avoid him but it definitely did not. He easily found her (maybe it was because he towered over those female idols so it was easier for him to find her among them?) and subtly slipped her a small note when passing by.

"Please meet me back stage after your performance." Oh god, what were they, middle schoolers? She rolled her eyes at his childish action but at the same time felt a tingle in her heart that she had never felt for anyone else. It was kinda cute if she was being honest.

And so she went to meet him back stage after her group's performance.

Taehyung really didn't think that she would come, so when Wheein stood in front of him, all out of breath after singing and dancing and then running, he felt butterflies in his stomach.

He pulled her hand to lead her to a more obscure spot and grinned at her, "You came?! I didn't think that you would really come!" He spoke his mind with obvious glee in his voice only to receive a glare from her.

"Then why did you ask me to come? Anyway, whatever you want to say, please make it quick. I really have to go back before they notice that I have gone MIA." She nervously darted her eyes around to see if anyone had caught sight of them being all sneaky.

"Okay, I'll make it real quick. About the soulmate thing..." He stopped for a moment to gulp and saw that she had raised her eyebrow waiting for him to continue, "I know I scared you last time but please hear me out. Soulmate is incredible if you just give it a chance."

"Oh no, not this again please. If you don't have any thing newer to say then I think I should just go back." She rolled her eyes at the same old story and got ready to leave when she felt something tugging on her hand. He still hadn't let go of her since he pulled her here.

"Please, Wheein!", In a split second, his pleading voice made her jump and dragged her back to reality, forgetting all about his hand still on hers or his suddenly informal speaking.

She sighed defeatedly, "Okay fine. What's the deal with all of this?" and saw his eyes light up at her indirect approval.

"Do you remember the bracelet you picked up and gave back to me the first time we met?"

She raised her eyebrow again and carefully nodded, "...Yes. Your soulmate bracelet, right?"

"Yup. My grandma said that it would only break the first time I came face to face with my soulmate, my...", he nibbled on his lower lip, thoroughly choosing the right word, "the one. And it broke right when I opened the door and saw you."

Dumbfounded, she could only sputter, "M-Moonbyul unnie was right there behind me. What if it was her?"

"It must be you!" He pursed his lips embarrassedly at how loud he was, then he lowered his voice and leaned closer to her to make sure she could still hear his not-significantly-smaller volume, "I mean, you were the only one I saw at that exact moment. Anyway, let's not talk about that now. What I'm trying to say is that I got too excited that I could find my soulmate so early in life, I always think that I can only meet them when I'm a lot older, like in my thirties or forties, so I was kinda over the top with my reactions."

"Indeed you were." She smirked.

"But aside from that, I'm really a fan of you and your honey-like voice. So all I'm asking is that... can I be your friend?" He grinned nervously, anticipating her reply.

"W-What?!" Wheein opened her eyes so wide at him that she thought they were going to pop any time. She didn't expect this kind of offer from him at all.

"To be honest, I still want to know if you are my soulmate. But pressuring you on that is unfair and a little bit creepy", she scoffed at his "a little bit" but he just ignored it and continued, "So yeah, I want to be your friend first. And along the way of being friends, we may figure out if we're really soulmates or not. Can you give me a chance? To be your friend?" He blinked at her with his puppy eyes and she groaned internally.

Wheein still didn't believe in soulmates and what destiny had for them, but if anyone asked why she had given Kim Taehyung her number and let him call her Wheeinie, she would answer without hesitation that it was destiny's fault, not hers.

And returning his smile on stage while they were saying goodbye to the audience after KCON was no doubt his fault. Who told him to smile at her and act all adorably like that?

161226 - SBS Gayo Daejun

Opening BTS's car door that day was only an accident due to all the cars being ridiculously identical, not Wheein's fault and definitely not destiny or fate. Probably the management companies' fault.

Taehyung had a different thought though. He just kept on nagging Wheein about how fate had brought her to open the hyung line's car door instead of his. To him, it was definitely fate's doing, just a slightly wrong one.

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