where it began

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Liz pov

it was supposed to be a normal day, when I could go out with my friends and maybe go to the park with my pet, but nooo. when I was just close to the market the sky got a reddish color and a blood like liquid began to rain and out of the nowhere a back hole appear in the middle of the road, yet it isn't sucking anything in fact it was letting out this weird kind of creatures that I have never seen before, then an immense pressure came from the hole, everyone was falling unconscious, the older people could not handle it an die as far as I can tell there were only 5 of the people that I saw that were still standing, I was about to ask them what is happening when we were all sucked into the black hole, the energy that I was getting was too intense for me to handle and I blacked out

time skip/ time: ??:?? location UNKNOWN

I woke up in a space where almost nothing could be felt "where am I" I said as the light brese was going to me. When I opened my eyes there was almost nothing, just some clouds as the floor and a big golden door with something so shiny that could be seen through the door. I tried opening the door but the handle was too tight so it's difficult to move it, so I'm going to suppose that I am not supposed to be here yet so maybe it will be weaker as time goes by. As time went by I decided to explore a little so I started walking in a single direction but either I wasn't moving or the door was moving with me. after what it felt like 10 minutes I starting feeling a burning sensation going through my body, after 2-9 seconds that was the only thing that was able to feel... an overwhelming pain, I could not think in anything else, but as time went by I got use to the pain and then I was able to walk a little, I was still weak due to the pain but i manage to get to the door and use the heavy handle as helper to stand up correctly... or at least that was the plan, turns out the door opened so I fell as the door moved I was inside of a door that lead to nothing but this cloudy place I pass through the door not expecting anything to happen but just then it happened.

"It seems that you manage to open the door, that's peculiar" said a godly female voice above me once I look straight above me I saw something brighter that the sun yet it was still able to see it without hurting my eyes, her figure remind me of the Greek goddess Hera tall, and bright. then she spoke again

"Well, anyways I now may present myself, I am Igyn, Goddess Of Mercy. as you might or might not have noticed you are not dead, rather than that you were transported into a different world with what you call magic. There are 2 reasons why you are in this anti-void, the first one to explain what will or rather what happened when you were in pain a few days ago, and the other to explain what the other world will be like '' the (apparently) goddess said. And it is true that I have my questions on why I am here. "let's start with the first question shall we, So the reason to why you felt that abundance in pain is because of the big amount of mana being forced into your body at once when the portal appeared, then you might just be like 'then why didn't I felt the pain when the portal came' the reason is that when the portal came you were just absorbing mana without control leaving you like a sponge with more water than what it can take, but it was still fine due to that in your world the mana goes straight to the space but once you came into the portal everything started to flow, the mana started to make its links into your body, that was the moment before the pain, now when the pain started it was because the mana started to travel around you busy at high speed in order to analyze the body they were in. as for the seco-" I stopped he right there "you have been talking about this mana stuff, what is that?" t Igyn you scowl at me with a confused, yet surprised face. then she said "wait a minute are you for real you don't know what mana is?" she yelled at me with a surprise tone. then she calms herself down "Ok, so in basic mana is a kind of force that is within everybody that allows them to use certain elements some are common such as fire, water, earth, and wind. Others are really strange like lava, energy, or combination . This one is a little bit strange but it basically allows you to combine two different types of magic or just combine someone's skills with yours so you can get theirs. well and the last but not least magic that is considered a legend, it is possible to get it but is hard those been space and time those two can alter the whole world. There is also the personal magic that you will always have that does not consume mana. I think yours will have to do with this anti-void. well better check it out" she said with an excited look.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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