Toni Kroos for Danny

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Hi thanks Danny for the request I hope this is good enough for you!!


You and Toni had been married for 2 years now and best friends for 12. He was the best friend you could have ever asked for and an even better husband. Every morning you would wake up to his beautiful blue eyes, messy bed head and his lazy smile that could light up any room. You both cared so much about each other and when you were introduced to the rest of his team mates as his "best friend" they knew that your relationship with Toni would develop into the endless love that you both now share. He was perfect for you and being married to him was such an honour, I mean who wouldn't want to be married to Toni Kroos! You loved him with all your heart and couldn't imagine your life with any other person apart from him or having anybody elses' children. Toni was your life and you knew that you only wanted to have a family with him and only him, no one else just Toni. He was perfect!

You were sitting on the couch waiting for your amazing husband Toni to come back from training. You weren't exactly in the best mood today, you thought back to three weeks ago when you found out that you were pregnant with yours and tonis' first child. At first you were absolutely petrified to tell him, he was the most important thing in your life and you weren't sure whether he would want to have a baby with you. You had spoken about starting a family together but you weren't sure whether it was the right time. You were swallowed in your thoughts throughout most of the day until you could feel the gentle kisses behind your ear. That night during dinner you gave Toni the news that he was going to be a father and you can just remember the relief that you felt when a huge smile broke out onto the Germans' face! It was the best night of his life, he was finally going to have everything that he had ever wanted: an amazing career; a beautiful wife who was also his best friend and now a baby to add to his perfect life.

Whilst in your own thoughts you hadn't realised that light tears were now slowly making their way down your face. How were you going to break the news to Toni? How was he going to react? Would he leave you and start a new family with someone better? "No this is Toni he would never do that to you" you whispered to yourself. "What wouldn't I ever do to you?" Oh shit Toni was back and you didn't even know how to break the news to him and how did he come in so quietly?!!!! Quickly wiping your eyes to hide the tears you made your way towards a confused looking Toni who was patiently waiting for an explanation. He hated to see you cry and after hearing that your whispers to yourself he couldn't help but feel as if there was something wrong.

Slowly resting your hands on his shoulders you took a deep breth preparing yourself to break the news to him, you could feel a lump start to form in your throat and the tears were also starting to build up. " Toni there's something I need to tell you an-and I'm so sorry baby" Just that one sentence was enough for the tears to start flowing " Liebe what's wrong are you okay is the baby okay you can tell me anything just please tell me what's wrong i can help make you feel better please stop crying" Toni was now holding you to his warm chest. He was confused, what would make you cry this hard-the baby. It all clicked, there must be something wrong with the baby. The life that you had both created out of love. "I-I'm so sorry Toni it-it's the baby, I don't understand how it happened It's all my fault I-I'm so so-sorry!" Collapsing into his warm chest all you wanted was to be in his arms. He was your safety blanket and you needed him but he also needed you, he had also lost a baby. "Oh liebe are you okay? You don't need to apologise it's not your fault it's no ones fault God just doesn't think it's our time to have a baby. Just don't blame yourself I love you!" My heart was breaking for myself, for Toni we were both going through the same thing and for our baby that we would never meet. Sniffling I peered up to look at Toni. He was staring at the wall behind us, just staring, you could see the tears slowly building up but he wouldn't let them flow. Typical Toni always bottling up his emotions. Placing both hands on his cheeks I moved his face so that he was now peering down at me. "Please don't bottle up your emotions" I whimpered out in my hoarse voice due to the amount of crying I had been doing. "Okay liebe" he slowly whispered letting his tears fall down his face, making me burst into another set of tears. We both stood in the middle of the room holding each other the only thing that could be heard was the sniffles of both me and Toni. 

"It's okay Danny we can try again in a couple of months but in the mean time lets just cuddle, I think we both need a good cuddle right now" He slowly moved the hair out of my face and gently placed his smooth lips onto my forehead. In that moment I just knew we would get through this and we could always try again in a couple of months. Losing our baby would just bring us closer together, closer than we've ever been before.

~~~~~~~~~~~2 YEARS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~

You and Toni were now expecting a baby boy, a baby who could follow in his fathers footsteps and become a footballer. You were now a week past your due date and you couldn't help but think about the baby you and Toni had both lost 2 years ago. It completely changed the both of you, you were both a lot closer and cherished every single moment you had with each other and the baby growing inside of you, you never know when you could lose something so close to your heart. You and Toni would never forget the baby that you never got to meet but you were going to make the most out of your baby boy who would soon be in your arms and your future children.


Here you go Danny I hope it was okay!!!


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