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How'd it start?

It all started with a rodeo.

She bucked to a still, making it 9 seconds.

"Hey, that was a damn good ride" Said a voice behind her as she left the box, taking her horse to its trailer.

She turned around to see an older boy standing next to one her age. She recognized the one her age, Parker Rossell. They'd been competing against each other on ranch bronc that night, and every other rodeo night that summer.

"Thank you" She smiled and nodded "Aint never let go a day in my life"

She heard a scoff and noticed Parker shaking his head subtly.

"Atta girl," the older boy smiled "t's your name, again? That announcer does names no justice" He asked

"Ryan. Ryan Fooley. But, friends call me Bo" She replied, though she was sure Parker knew her name. She smiled and held out her hand

"Danny Rossell. Sure you already know Park" He shook her hand

"You did good, tonight" Bo smiled at Parker

Parker scoffed and nodded. Danny elbowed him.

"So, where are ya from?" Danny asked

"Grey cliff, bout 20 miles down the south road. N you?" Bo asked

"Just outside town" Danny replied

"North, I'd spose? Other wise we're basically neighbors" Bo chuckled

"Yes ma'am. Well, how'd you like to have dinner at our place tonight? You can even let that bronc of yours go in our pen while ya eat, so he don't have to stay in that trailer all night" Danny proposed

"Well, I'd love to. Lead me on out?" Bo asked, referring for the boys that she'd follow them home in her truck.

Bo loaded up her horse and got in her truck, noticing the boys had parked decently close to her and followed them down the road to their house.

The boys didn't live to far out of town, closer then Bo. Their house was a trailer with an addition built on. There was field after field around their house, with one large barn and a smaller one. There were three pins, ons bit with 2 other horses in it, and the other two were slightly smaller. she could tell the big on was to keep them in at night and the smaller ones were for riding. They must've been cleaning their barn.

Bo got out of her truck and noticed Parker was walking up to her

"I'll open the pin for ya if you guide that bronc" He said

Bo opened her trailer and led her horse, devil, in the pin, to which Parker opened the gate and and closed it behind the horse

"What's his name?" Parker asked

"Devil" Bo replied

"He ain't look like no Devil" Parker lifted the cowboy hat on his head to look at the horse better

"He bucks like one. Has since he was a foal. Barely tame enough to be a ranch horse" Bo responded

"You seem to handle him well" Parker said

"I'd spose he's only nice to me. Complete asshole to most others, though" Bo explained

"I see. Come on inside" Parker said, showing the girl to his house

Bo walked in greeted by Danny and the smell of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup

"It just you two that live here?" Bo asked

"Yes maam" Danny answered "Pa walked out on us years n years ago, our mama died couple months back" Danny explained

"I'm sorry to hear that. It's just me, Devil, and all sorts of cattle out at my place. My parents died when I was young, n my uncle's sposed to watch over me but he walked out not to long ago. We get by alright though" Bo smiled

"Well, ya ever want a good home cooked meal, ya know the way to our place now" Danny smiled as he set the pot of warm tomato soup on the table and motioned for Bo and Parker to sit down

As the two 16 year olds sat, Danny brought their plates with grilled cheeses and a bowl and set them in front of the kids.

"Thank you" Bo nodded and took off her hat, resting it on the back of her chair

"You're mighty welcome, but you can keep your hat on, miss. We ain't all that proper" Danny replied

"It's respectful" Bo said

Danny nodded and went to grab his own plate. Bo waited until everyone was seated to eat, and only when they dug in did she.

The dinner was good, Bo and Danny talked most of the time, Parker staying quiet and only speaking when spoken to.

When it was time for Bo to go home, Danny nudged Parker to show her out and help her get her horse.

"You aren't much of a talker, I spose?" Bo asked, smiling while she opened her trailer and Parker opened the gate

"Not used to having people around often" Parker shrugged "Especially not pretty girls"

Bo looked up and Parker was looking her right in the eyes

"Well maybe I'll come by another time and we can talk more" Bo replied

"I've seen you ride all summer. You're really good on that bronc. Did you know folks is saying you're about on of the best in the country?" Parker replied

"I did. You're pretty good too, Parker." Bo said as she she walked up to her horse and grabbed his loop, taking him to the trailer and him getting in easily.

"It's pretty impressive. I've never seen someone know how to work a bronc that well over." Parker smiled

"Yeah, I try. Your brother, he do rodeo?" Bo asked as she shut the trailer

"Who, Dan? He used to, ride bulls. He hurt his leg real bad just over a year ago n quit." Parker shrugged

"What a shame" Bo shook her head

"Yeah. He was bummed. Sometimes he gets on my broncs and work em over though" Parker nodded

"Well, I'd better be gettin home. Thank you for supper, tell Danny I said thank you. You have a good night" Bo said before jumping in her truck

Parker considered telling her to wait. Considered asking her if she wanted to maybe go to a movie after nationals. But he didn't. Instead, he watched the pretty girl drive away.

Parker had dated many girls since he was 13. He'd broke every single one of their hearts. He held the title of "the cowboy who'd never been held down", and he planned to keep it. He knew one day, some girl would break his heart. He'd seen Danny go through a heart break, and he never wanted to feel the way his brother did. So he never got stretched and turned dating into a game, a sort of bet with himself.

He knew Bo could change that. Something about her made him want to let her break his heart, be his first love. But as of that moment, he wasn't going to let it happen.

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