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This work is completely a product of the author's imaginations.
Any resemblance to the content of the story , places , events , persons dead or alive, is purely coincidental .

© Copyright 2020 , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED .

(Not edited)

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Snow covered trees with sweet chirping of birds.
Sun was shining bright illuminating the workshop where a lady
in her late 20s , with puffy eyes and flashed cheeks was quitely painting while enjoying nature.

Giving some strokes on the canvas she looked at the painting trying to find the perfect shade. Keeping the brush aside she leaned down grabbing her sixth cup of coffee .

Observing the painting while sipping the hot liquid, her feet tapping constantly on its own .

Doorbell rang through the room as she sighed and went towards the front door .
As the bell rang the third time while she reached the door she khew already it was no one other than her colleague Sara .

" Julia , we leave in five hours . Are you done packing?" She enquiries while pacing the room , without bothering to hear her reply she dashed through the bed room and came out with a shocked and equally annoyed face.

" You were stress painting again?" She face palmed herself while Julia shrugged and went pass her.

" I .. I just don't like packing ." She answered truthfully while taking her sip from the mug .

Shaking her heahead Sara took out Julia's bag and started shoving the folded clothes in.

" Why didn't you let me pack last night. ? Sara asked while still packing her stuff.

" I really I wanted to , I even folded everything . It's just i remembered something and I started painting to clear my mind. " Julia said while handing her some of the stuff.

" Don't tell me you didn't sleep last night." Sara narrowed her eyes.

" Okay I won't ." Julia shooked her head while giggling behind her palm.


"Wao the city looks so great " Julia said looking out of the window as their car roamed above the street of Madrid.

" I know right, the snow seems a little different maybe it's because of Christmas ." Sara said with dream filled eyes.

As they reached the hotel, The door man helped the ladies with their luggages.
Once Julia and Sara settled on there respective room.

Julia couldn't help but knocked at Saras room.
"Come lets visit the gallary ." Julia said as soon as the door opened.
" What now, it's almost dinner time and I am realy tired. " Sara said as she leaned down and yawned.

" No no, they have placed all the painting I have to see it tonight. I have to make sure the numberings are fine. " Julia said her voice declaring her tension.

" Okay fine but just for few minutes ." Sighing Sara went inside to grab her coat.

While the walked through the corridor Julia rambling thoughts started pokeing her.
She still relish the moment when she got the call for the largest art exhibition in Spain.
Even though her paintings had made its way into few of the galleries of France and Germany but this was a lifetime achievement for her.
She was anxious but the thrill of tomorrow was hitting her adrenaline in a different and good way.
Seeing her passion turning into her dream . She knew her parents were proud of her as they never failed to express it in their own way.

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