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(Not Edited)

The Night was long for both of them. Julia and Rayn both had the same thing running over their mind.
Their Past.

They shared a beautiful relationship of friendship , they were almost together when Rayn had to left town.
Young Julia had expected a proposal from him but all she got was his farewell.

They both wished things to went differently. Julia wanted Rayn to express his feelings and Rayn wanted Julia to understand his feelings.

Both of them couldn't sleep the night and the day rolled in with two heavy hearts .


The next day was exausting for Julia. she was busy wrapping up all the works . Meeting with the agency was quite stressful but she really wanted to work for them in future.

She was collecting the reports of the sold paintings when the manager of the gallery called her. He was in quite hurry so she let him took a breath before he started.

" Maam one of the buyer is interested to meet you can you please attend him on the lounge area? Thank you and we had a great show Last night. "
Before Julia could even say a word he rushed back .

Shrugging at his weird behaviour she walked towards the lobby only to find people gathered around in a crowd.

She waited for a while when a young man walked towards her.

" Are you Violate?" The man asked
" Yes actually it's my pen name ." Julia replied with a polite smile, she was confused wheather it's the buyer or its the manager.
" Nice, sir is very impressed with your artwork. I must say you really did a great job. " He replied.
" Thank you ." Julia said realising she is yet to meet the buyer.
" Hold on here for a minute I will make the crowd clear. " saying he took his leave.

Heaving a sigh she looked at the big crowd and wondered.
Which famous personality bought my painting?

Soon her question was answered when she came face to face with none other than Rayn William.

Seeing him again she stood still trying best to control her posture.

" Sir, meet the artist Violate. " Liam said while Juila gave him a nodd.

Trying her best she took a breath and forwarded her hand.
" Nice to meet you Mr. Rayn. " she talked in a professional tone.

Looking at her again Rayn was also shocked but somehow relieved . He thought he will never meet her again, he wanted to tell her many things. But he couldnt last night and it seems like it's raining chances here.
So, he did the very first thing.
He discarded Liam immediately and grabbed her hand.

Swrill of emotions jumped inside when their hands came in contact..

" So you became an artist , just as you dreamed. " Rayn started beliwered with the fact.

" Yeah .. " she gave a force smile ignoring her goosebumps.

" Sorry, I couldn't talk to you properly last night . I really liked the painting by the way. ? Rayn asked containing his scattered self. It wasn't new for him . Even after so many years he still feel the same adrenaline rush .

" Yea that's the reason you bought it right?" She snapped back suddenly feeling the burried anger boiling up.

" Wohh .. did I said something wrong ?" Rayn threw his hands up

" No it's just I am getting late. Thank you for buying my work Mr.Rayn have a great day." She said in a professional tone which Rayn didn't like at all. After so many years she still has the same fierce heart when it comes to him.

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