I'll Be There to Back You Up

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    This was bad, like, really bad. Peter raced to the subway as fast as he could after school, trying to block the smell of the guy peeing in a cup as he jumped through the sliding train doors. The entire ride he was on edge. There was only one person that would approve a trip like this, and he needed to talk to him fast.

    As soon as the doors opened at his stop, he raced out, dodging the people as he ran through Grand Central Station and up the giant steps. He ran down the block, wishing he could use his web shooters but knew that he didn't have his suit on. Finally turning the corner, he saw it - home. The Avenger's Tower stood tall next to all the buildings, its slender frame reflecting in the afternoon light.

  He scurried inside the glass doors, running directly to the security door that was next to reception. Scanning his badge, he expected to hear the ding followed by the glowing green light but was met with a red one instead. He scanned his badge again, and still, it was denied.

    Over and over he ran his badge through the machine, hoping the answer would be different but it still wouldn't let him pass. F.R.I.D.A.Y., the AI who was in charge of security couldn't even read the badge as it swiped through the machine as Peter desperately tried to get inside.

    "Peter, slow down before you take someone's eye out!" said a voice. He turned around to see Camilla at the reception desk.

    She chuckled at his frantic behavior, watching her friend struggle to pass the security check. Peter and she became somewhat friendly when he started working here, both of them being in the intern program. Well, both of them were supposed to be in the program, Camilla didn't know that Peter was a Stark or Spider-Man.

    "I just need to talk to Tony. Now," he emphasized.

    "Is this about that trip your academic decathlon team is taking this Friday?" she questioned with a smirk.

    Peter felt his face tighten, eyes widening at the realization of what his friend had said. "Oh my god, you know about the trip too?"

    "Well yeah, I'm your tour guide. I saw it on my schedule this morning."

    "Oh my god, who here doesn't know about this trip?" He asked sarcastically, throwing his hands in the air.

    "Thor since he went off-world to help the Guardians with a mission but, besides him, pretty much everyone," said Camilla, toying with him.

    As much as he didn't want to admit it, her tactics were working.

    Peter rolled his eyes, "Oh geez." He turned back to the badge scanner, swiping his card again to be met with another flashing red light. "Can you just open the freaking door? I need to talk to Tony."

    Camilla laughed. "Yeah sure. Just don't shatter the glass buttons of the elevator again; I can't keep calling I.T. to replace them."

    The doors in from of him shined a green light, opening up before him. He raced through as fast as he could, booking it to the elevator.

    He turned back and shouted down the long hallway, "Don't worry I won't!"

    "Yeah I don't believe you!" she shouted back.

    Peter pushed past as many scientists as he could, trying not to tangle himself in their lab coats as he tried to reach the elevator. Frantically, he pushed the up button on the wall, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for his ride to arrive. He pushed the button again and again until the elevator dinged indicating its' arrival. As the doors opened, Peter rushed inside and pressed the button reading 77, the second to last floor in the building.

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