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*Maya's POV*

"Listen here you little sh*thead! Give. me. my. phone. back!" I yell at the incredibly annoying person I'm forced to call my brother.

The juvenile delinquent's name is Matt and I'm Maya. We might be twins, but if anything we're both exact opposites, and I'm talking personality AND physical features. He is pretty tall and muscular (typical for an athletic guy) and has very light freckles on his face. He has the biggest ego I have ever seen yet he can somehow grab every single person's attention whenever he pleases. I think his light blue eyes have something to do with it. He claims that they "make them girls weak." Yeah, but he can't even speak English properly. I laugh silently at that.

I, on the other hand, am a somewhat short and physically weak person. I have long and straight dark brown hair that goes down 3/4 of my back. I also have dark brown eyes and slightly tanner skin. I'm the more academic and intelligent of the both of us, him being the more athletic as well as cocky one. I would say that I am humble and gracious for everything I have, while he stomps his feet around and acts like he rules the world. Typical guy.

The worst thing people could have possibly said to the both of us is "aww you two are such a cute couple!" Like HELL TO THE NO. That is the most revolting thing I have ever heard and I've even heard two people doing it before. Yeah, that's a story that I really wouldn't like to tell again.

Of course Aunt Olivia, our legal guardian, isn't home. She's never home, unless she's on a break from her work. Our parents had left us to die on the street. They didn't even have the courtesy to let someone adopt us. Olivia was the ultimate savior, though. I'm so grateful to have someone like her in my life. Plus, I'd hate to meet the people that I'm blood related to. Olivia says that she is somehow related to our parents, but I think she's just saying that to make us feel like our blood related relatives aren't all assholes. Frankly, I beg to differ.

"Oh, I see you're snapchatting that buffoon, Connor. I gotta say, Sis, that your taste has gone downhill." He crinkles his nose and points a thumb facing down.

"Says the guy that dated Tammi Polanski last year. You oughta think that by all of that screaming she would have a throat problem or something." I chuckle at his surprised expression and turn around to grab some microwaveable popcorn out of the cupboard. What can I say? I'm a popcorn person.

"Oh look who just texted you. If it isn't Natalie." He smirks at me. The next time I see him give me that smirk I will literally smack that off of his face. I guess I kind of left out the part where I'm maybe kind of aggressive. It's only towards Matt though. He is an expert at annoying me, as you can see.

"She says she needs help with something." I run and tackle him. "I can help you any way you want babe" he says while texting her via my phone. MY is the key word here. I grab his hand and scratch at it while screaming until he lets go. So mature, right?

I look at the unlocked phone and see that he texted her exactly what he previously said out loud AND a winky face to go with it. "You did not just send her a winky face." He shoots me an innocent look and puts his hands up. "How many times do I have to tell you not to hook up with my friends and keep it in your pants? Or are you just that much of a man whore?"

I text Natalie 'Sorry. That was Matt. What's the matter?' and walk into the living room to get my purse and double check to see if I have all of my necessities in it: Wallet. Check. Car keys. Check. Tampons. Check. Cell phone.... no check. I swear I just had it. Suddenly, I hear a ding and realized it was in my hand. I shake my head. "This is what happens if I focus on technology too much. I become unfocused and act like an idiot." I mutter to myself.

'Please come over ASAP. I'd rather not tell you over text' is the only message I receive. I was already out the door (since I was planning on getting out anyways) when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Where are you going?" Matt asks me while he's following me in his footsteps.

"Natalie's." I really don't want this to turn to some long conversation that will somehow end in an argument because I think something is really wrong and arguing with my brother isn't gonna help either of us.

"I'll come with." Whoa. Did he actually not fight me on something? This is a new one.

"Does the reason you have for coming with me have to do with the fact that you're secretly in love with my best friend?"

He scrunches his face up in disgust while opening the passenger's seat door and replies "Nah. She's too nice and perfect for a guy like me."

Wait. He doesn't fight with me on something AND he actually puts himself down? I guess today will begin a new chain of thoughts and actions for this guy sitting next to me.

A moment of realization hits me."Be right back." I quickly open the driver's seat door and run back into the house. I quickly go through the kitchen shelves, looking for one specific box.

"A-ha." I whisper to myself as I take what I wanted from the box and walk down the small hallway and into the living room where Matt and I were talking previously.

I finish my task and go back to the car before his mood abruptly changes and he lashes out on me. Stupid boys and their testosterone. Can't they ever control themselves?

I lock the front door and return to the driver's seat. "Really?" Matt asks me with a arched eye brow. "You ran back in there for popcorn?" Well, I DID say that I'm a popcorn person. I might have just left out the tiny fact that I'm a tad bit obsessed with it.

"And this surprises you, how?" I turn the car on and begin to back out of the drive way. I'm still a little nervous when I drive because I just received my license 4 months ago and I really don't want anything bad to happen.

Note to other drivers: please be aware that while I, Maya Ann Webber, drive via public roads, you will be risking your life. I hope you will follow the safer way and refrain from driving for a while, or at least until I feel fully comfortable when driving. If you are a risk taker, then don't say I didn't warn you.

"You're right. I shouldn't question the girl who always eats every single piece of popcorn off of our Christmas tree." He laughs hard while slapping his knee.

I would have hit him if I wasn't driving. I'm not going to put other people in danger with my brother's idiocy being at fault. However, I do happen to see an empty intersection where I have to make a left turn. I smile devilishly and quickly make a sharp left turn. My plan worked, as I hear Matt groan and peripherally see him peeling his face off of the window. I need to clean that later.

"Remind me not to say anything to you when your hands are at the wheel." He winces while I smile victoriously.
A/N: Hey guys! Okay so I've added more to this chapter, and it might not be showing up. It's showing on the web but not in the Wattpad app. It's weird, considering I published the newer version of this chapter yesterday. I'm hoping you all can read it soon. Also, I know that the whole mystery part hasn't really come together yet but I'm starting off with little character introductions so you can understand the situations they are in as well as understand who they are :)

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