Simple and Clean

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Sometimes, when the nights were warm and winds gentle, Solona would find herself spending the night in the barn, nestled in the hay that was both rough yet soft. The blood mage would sit with her materials for knitting, and work until sleep would beckon her. She had been working on a project for several weeks, and was constantly terrified Cassandra would find out and stab her little dolls, just like she stabbed maps.

Indeed, Solona had spent the nights making a little stuffed nug-meant to be her beloved Mr. Floofools-torn ears and all. She had been attempting on making mini stuffed dolls of all the Inner Circle Members. So far, she had only finished her pet nug, and Cole's. She figured she would start with the ones she knew best, then take her time to study the features of other members more carefully to finish the others. Like Herah's constantly present bitch face. She would need to make her doll look just right. And Vivienne's. And Dorian's.

Solona set the stuffed nug down and picked up the doll of the strange boy. She had used thin pieces of straw for his hair with buttoned eyes, patches of brown wool sheets serving as his clothing, which were threaded together. He was almost done. All she needed was his little hat. Which in truth, the girl wasn't sure how to make. She would have to think on that.

She looked at the doll, studying it before yawning. Maybe she could hold off finishing until some other night? That sounded nice.

Feeling sleep tug at her eyes, Solona settled into the hay and closed her eyes, arms still clutched around the stuffed toy.


Solona once more approached the dark corner high up in Skyhold's tavern. She knew the odd boy in leather clothes would be there, just like last time. He was always there in the dim light, song and laughter floating up towards the third floor that was only occupied by a single soul. Now, however, it was occupied by not one, but two.

"I see that you are better. I'm happy." The blood mage smiled upon seeing Compassion, fever long gone and once more strong. Cole looked upon the woman through platinum falls, hat nodding in response upon his head, "Yes, I am. Thank you for taking care of me. I was scared. That has never happened to me before."

Solona smiled sullenly, "Well, you are better now. I didn't think spirits could get sick...but I guess you aren't a spirit anymore now, are you?"

"No. I am real. Realer." The blonde replied, the young woman chuckled softly.

"That you are. Oh, speaking of real, I made someone for you!" The girl spoke, voice high with mirth and eyes glowing like the little stars that were once in her hair. She swiftly opened up her satchel and produced a tiny, stuffed doll that mimicked the odd boy's image in all its toy glory, "Tada!"

Cole looked upon the doll in mild confusion, gently taking it from her hands. A small smile then broke across his lips, "It It is me, and I am me. He even has a hat like me, but smaller!"

The young man tried to speak, to say more, but felt a strangeness overwhelming him. Thank you was not enough. Thank you was not a gift. Solona had just given him a gift. He needed to give her one in return. To make the two simple words seem strong enough. Just strong enough.

Solona's foolish smile was still molded upon her features when Cole wrapped his arms around her in a hug. The sudden physical connection had made her heart hammer and face flush, a twinge of fear running through her despite the gentleness. She returned the hug of thanks, calming and smiling once more, beet red. She could smell his scent, but for the life of her couldn't think of any words to describe it. Then she wondered if he ever bathed. Then she tried to get the images out of her head, but they stayed. She thanked the Maker Cole lost some of his abilities...if he didn't...she was sure that he would pick up on her longing, and it would be nothing short of embarrassing. Then she thought of nugs. Nugs made everything better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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