Episode 13, The End

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Episode 13, scene 1

(On Earth, Glyph is carrying a bunch of stuff. She just got off of a spaceship, and where she is looks like a busy dock. There is an announcer that keeps saying "Welcome to Autobot City, Formed by Fortress Maximus and Metroplex. Glyph goes into a building. Hoist greets Glyph)

Hoist: Why hello, Little bug... What brings you here?

Glyph: I want to be an actor.

Hoist: Is that so?

Glyph: Yep!

Hoist: Alright, Let's see what you got... I'll get Bee on the phone.

Glyph: Bumblebee? The great warrior?

Hoist: I guess you could call him that.

(Hoist gets Bumblebee on the phone... Bee appears behind Glyph. Glyph jumps. Beside Bumblebee was Sari.)

Bumblebee: So, you're the kid who wants to be an actor?

Glyph: Yep.

Sari: Hmmm... You look like a bug.

(Glyph looked worried at Sari.)

Sari: Perfect body for an actor. Bee, let's get her to the Audition room.

Bumblebee: Good idea.

Sari: Don't worry... um...

Glyph: My name is Glyph.

Sari: Glyph, huh? It fits you. Come, I'll help you get ready.

Glyph: Sounds fun!

Bumblebee: Hey, you guys coming or what?

(Glyph looks over at Bee and then sees the part at the beginning.)

Bumblebee(Quiet): War is Graphic, Glyph.

(Then back to normal)

Glyph: Wha--

Sari: Come on, you coming or what?

Glyph: oh, yeah!

(They all transform and Leave)

Ep. 13, scene 2

(On Override's ship. Glyph is looking at Signal Flare in a tube, similar to Kups' tubes. There are a few others in tubes as well. Sari walks over to Glyph.)

Sari: I'm... sorry... that we couldn't get to Signal Flare in time.

Glyph: It wasn't your fault... The future couldn't have been changed no matter what we did.

Sari: Well, Elita wants you on the bridge...

Glyph: Alright.

(Glyph walks away from Signal Flare.)

Sari:(Sighs) I'm so sorry for Glyph.

(Diabla appears from behind Strongarm's tube. Sari pulls out weapons, then puts them away.)

Diabla: You won't stop doing that, will you?

Sari: Maybe not...

Diabla: How does an actor get weapons like that anyway?

Sari: I wasn't always an actor. Before the war ended, I fought side by side with Bumblebee. After the war, we decided to make a movie studio.

Diabla: Why not continue the fight? Become a bounty hunter, like me and Astra was.

Sari: Nah, I was too tired after the war. Plus, we had to keep the key hidden from any underground decepticons.

Diabla: Who would want a normal... Wait... Your the holder of the Allspark key?

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