'Feeling a bit sick'

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My house wasn't that far from where my school is thankfully. Before Heading home I drove to Lia's house, I was knocking at the door till Mrs.o'dell opened it.

"Good morning Mrs.O'dell may I come in" I said politely.

"My pleasure" she said sweetly.

After I got in I texted my mom that I was with Lia incase she is looking for me.

I went up to Lia's room finding her sleeping, "hey Lia" I whispered into ears.

"go away mom" she half yelled half whispered.

"I'm not your mom it's joey" I said laughing a bit.

"Whaaaaat" Lia said getting up from her bed.

"So why didn't you come to school"

"cuz I had a fever" she replied.

"o","and today was a nightmare at school" I said exhaustedly.

"What happened" Lia asked curiously.

"Austin" was what I simply said.

"He bullied you" she said lifted her brows.

"In a way" I said nodding my head at the same time.
"Omg no way" she said.

"yes fucking way this happened all today" I said sadly.

It's time for me to go home, I hugged Lia and went downstairs.

"Bye Mrs.O'dell" I said and grabbed my back pack and headed out. The weather outside was bipolar hot then cold. I threw myself into the car and started engine.
My house wasn't that far from Lia's it was about only 7mins away. When I finally got home, I dialed my mom to let her know.

"hey mom I got home already" "alright ask Anna or any butlers to cook some food"


I hung up with my mom and threw my phone to the couch.

"Anna can you please call one of the butler to cook my some food" I said shouting hoping that she can hear me.

"No problem" she said shouting out back from the kitchen.

My stomach kept grumbling nonstop. I just sat there at the table waiting for the food to come and Then the fucking food finally was served.
I gobbled the food up as if I had never eaten. I burped and look around the house to see if any butlers or house keepers heard it. Luckily nobody heard it. It was at 2:30 and my brother came home. "fuck fuck fuck" he kept saying as he threw his book bag down on the floor.

"what happened this time" I asked knowing that it was something bad.

"I flunked my math test" he said angrily kicking his book bag.

"Not my test not my problem" I said carelessly, because when I felt trouble he never comforted me.

I went upstairs and called Allison.

"I'm bored"

"Is that why your calling me" she said suspiciously.

"yea, duh that's what biffles are for right" I said assuring her.

We talked for a long time until my mom called me down for dinner.

"I gotta go" I said.

"ok Joey".
We both hung up and I went down.

"are you feeling better" my dad said.

"I'm fine". We all ate and talk until we all were as fat as pigs.

"I gonna get some rest" I said running up the stairs. I didn't feel like washing my hair so I made a ratchet bun, took my pjs, and my towel. I took of my clothes and got in the tub, I closed the curtains and open the water.
I was quickly drenched and started singing like I was in the Americas got talent or something.

"the hearts wants what it want" i was singing heart wants what it wants by Selena Gomez.

After a long ass shower I closed the water and wiped myself dry. I threw on my pjs, blow dried my hair and open got out the bathroom.

The cool air swept my face, it feels so good especially after the shower. I went to bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

My bully became my lover(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now