1 School?!

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Runa had just finished a live stream playing games. She looked at the clock, 12:56 am. She sighs as she goes to her closet to change her clothes. She takes off her usual wear and puts on something similar only pjs. She then turns off her light and walks over to her bed, snuggling into her covers she wonders what she will do tomorrow. She doses off into dream land.


She wakes up to the sound of an alarm, 'That's weird I never set alarms...' Runa thought. She gets up anyway going into the bathroom connected to her bedroom. Before walking in grabbing a pair of the same clothes she always wears, she always has an extra pair.

After taking her shower she gets dressed. She walks down the hall of the mansion she lived in, she lived with her mother. Her mother and father had divorced when she was young.

She finally walked out of the long hallway and stepped into the kitchen. She saw her mom cooking. 'Also weird... she never cooks breakfast.' She thought.

"Hey mom." She says.

"Hello darling, you are now going to go to school today!" She says happy as ever.

'She said for me to do something with my life many times. So I guess it could be worth a shot.' She thought sweat dropping from her mother's unusual humming. 'Ok, I get that she doesn't like me just sitting in from of electronics all day but... WHO PAYS THE BILLS AROUND HERE?! ME-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by her mother, "You know, the principal is a big fan of yours." She starts, "so you were invited into student Council. That allows you to wear whatever you want."

She sighs knowing there's no way out of this, "Ok, can I at least bring my games?" She asks knowing she'll be bored. She already knows everything about what they teach in school, in fact she has the mind of a genius.

Her mother nods as she finished making breakfast. She ate and apparently her mother had already bought all the supplies Runa needed.

She walked out the door, holding her Nintendo while walking. She also has Photographic Memory allowing her to remember everything she has seen even if she only saw it once.

She arrived at the school lollipop in her mouth as always and walked to the principal's office. She knocked before hearing a faint "Come in!" She walks in as told.

A man with brown slicked back hair, wearing a very light tan colored work pants along with a light blue dress shirt with a plain black tie. The man smiles, "Welcome! Here's your schedule along with a map of the school, if you need anything feel free to ask!" He says happily.

"I do have one question, is there a councils office?" She asks holding the lollipop in her hand.

"Yes we do! It's in the third year hallway right by the right stairwell." He explains. She nods. She turns around, "Oh but before you go... could I get an autograph?" He asks.

She laughs her normal laugh and walks closer to his desk. He puts the paper in front of her as well as a pen. She signs it gracefully.

She walks out bowing before shutting the door. She heads over to the student councils office, it was before school starts so the halls were empty. She reaches the room and slides the door open, everyone in the room turn they're heads widening they're eyes as they stare in shock seeing the celebrity in the same room as them. She was 4'5 so she was shorter than everyone else in the room but they still notice her.

She sits down in the only empty seat and smiles another lollipop in her mouth.
"Hello, welcome to Student Council!" The president of the council says. She nods.


After a while of talking the president gave her a uniform, a red and black one. She goes into the bathroom next to the room and puts it on under her usual coat.

She goes back to the council, they told her that she should patrol the halls after school. Runa only nods and heads to her classroom. She looks at the door before hearing a "Come in!" She then does just that. She walks into the room hearing a lot of gasps and whispers.

She stood there, "Hello everyone! My name is Runa Yomozuki! From now on I am a part of your class! Please take care of me." She says bowing a little towards the end. The student council had given her a shoulder band that said "Council" on it with a logo of a game. The logo was specified to what the said person wearing it wanted it to be. It was black the writing and drawing red, it fit around her arm perfectly.

She took a seat at the window., She was now a second year. Yes she was eighteen but wanted to be a second year. 'This is going to get interesting.' She thought.


The bell rang signaling the end of the day, she stood up and headed out of the classroom. She walked the halls and the outside area, she was outside when suddenly a ball came flying at her. She instinctively caught it without looking. She had taken combat lessons every now and then just because she wanted to.

A orange-haired boy came out, "Sorry! The ball lost control and got out of the gym." He says. She noticed he was taller than him, at least 5'3. 'Not fair.' She thought as she had to look up at people a lot.

She hands him the volleyball, "My name is Runa Yomozuki! I'm new here, nice to meet you!" She says, sticking a new lollipop in her mouth.

"Boke! Why did you do that!" A certain blueberry haired boy yells.

He notices her, staring in surprise. She smiles with a lollipop still in her mouth. "Hello, my name is Runa Yomozuki! Nice to meet you, I am part of the Student Council!" She says.

The blueberry haired boy then looks at the shoulder band she wore. "Hello my name is Hinata Shoyo!" He says excitedly.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I've gotta go do my patrol." She says bowing a little. She walks away and the two troublesome boys walk back to the boys volleyball gym.

Professional Gamer Girl - ChildEri - Runa Yomozuki - HaikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now